Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Did you get a chance to try the muffins and what did you think?


I haven't baked them yet. I have lunch company coming and I can't seem to get caught up! I will bake them today and def let you know
Spagetti & meat sauce with a big salad. I always make my own fresh pasta and today's was deep yellow and just beautiful from our girl's eggs! I could never go back to store noodles again!
Did you get a chance to try the muffins and what did you think?


My DS and I just tried a muffin. They are fantastic! The topping is scrumptious!! Thank you for sharing the recipe. It has a permanent place in my collection.
Garden Pesto - from my garden... a BUNCH of basil and a little tri color sage & oregano, olive oil to desired consistency in the food processor, salt & pepper to taste, with some Parmesan cheese too. Served over fresh hot home made pasta, fettuccine or angel hair if you can! Rosemary sprigs, onion & olive oil with a chicken half in the skillet, when the oil is gone, simmer in chicken broth until everything else is ready... salt & pepper to taste, dash of red pepper
Garden salads with 3 kinds of baby spinach, arugula & red & green romaine, cukes, carrots & whatever else is in the salad drawer...


Gotta go.. the pasta is boiling now.
Tonight it's venison backstraps on the grill with baked potatoes. It truly is the most tender red meat available to man, in my opinion of course.

~ bigzio

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