Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Got ambitious last night when I got home at 6:00pm and decided to can some peppers from the garden. I thought the recipe wouldn't take that long and I would have time to stuff a squash with some rice and hamburger and bake off. Well, at 8:45pm when I finally finished the peppers I was too worn out to make the squash - so just had leftover Tilapia with saffron rice and peas. Tonight I'll do the squash.

Note to self - don't try canning projects during the week.

Tonight was strip steak on the grill, yellow summer squash, green beans, and mozzarella cheese with tomatoes, basil and balsamic vinagrette. I have become addicted to the mozzarella/tomatoe/basil/balsamic vinagrette. What will I do when there are no more fresh tomatoes?
I was gone all day yesterday. DH did a chuck roast, potatoes, carrot, celery and onion in the crockpot. It smelled wonderful when I walked in at 7:30, and it was delicious!

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