Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I'd not heard of sweet and sour green beans, either. Looks good, we'll have to try it!

Last night was garlic lime chicken in the crock pot, with cukes, 'maters and cantaloupe from the garden.

Tonight we're going to the fair, but before we go we'll have chicken enchiladas. I just can't fork out the $$$ for the food at the fair anymore....
It's about the same recipe I use for Wilted Lettuce salad, but for that I mix flour in with the sugar and dissolve in 1/2 cup water and the vinegar, then add that to the bacon, cook till thickened some. Pour over leaf lettuce (fresh garden spinach is now my favorite for this) and sliced hard-boiled eggs. Toss to mix. Substitute boiled potato slices for the spinach/lettuce and you got German Potato Salad.

Notice a theme? Those are my 3 favorite sides during the summer.
Donrae, that's the way it ususally works in our house too...only you left out who does dishes (which is mostly me, lol).
Yeah, dishes used to be my boys chore too...then they grew up. Sigh, those were the good ol' days (LOL)

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