Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day and my family always participates in the John J. Kelly Pub Krawl (named after my late father, who was 100% Irish). This was our 28th year and our 19th without my dad (boo). So, since I don't like to eat during the Krawl, we decided to go really quick last night before we left and had a tuna sandwich.

So, what should I make for dinner tonight? I was thinking a cumin and honey roasted whole chicken. Eh, we'll see.
I nixed the roasted chicken idea, and went simple. Grilled chicken breasts that had been marinated in a chipotle marinade, cauliflower fried 'rice' (using riced cauliflower from Trader Joe's -- great product and really versatile), and a salad. Hard pie for hubby's dessert - none for me.
Wish I'd have been back in Sioux Falls with my sisters, brothers-in-law, and brother for St. Pat's Day. We'd head over to our favorite Mexican place, Carlos O'Kelly's! Actually I'm not even sure it's still there, come to think of it....I should have asked Linda when I talked to her last.

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