Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Spinach salad with warm bacon-vinaigrette dressing made from scratch! :p Bacon, red onion, mushroom, hard boiled egg toppers for the salad. Very pretty and spring-ey and we ate it ALL.
That sounds good!

I've got some of the Asian/Island chicken from the crockpot for dinner tonight. Will probably make stir fry veggies to go with. maybe egg rolls if I get ambitious.

A few stores around us are having meat sales this weekend. boneless skinless thighs for $1 .48/lb. I'll stock up and do a lot of prepping with those. Last time I pounded some out and made cordon bleu. Maybe this time I'll do chicken parm or ???
Had some 'canon' beans on Wed.. They tasted good and worked great.

Tonight I am making lemon/pepper chicken breast along with mashed potatoes and yellow summer squash.
Lat night I cooked brats and onions for the guys. Made some Italian herb and Parmesan muffins and slaw.

I don't like brats so I sliced strawberries and banana, mixed them with Greek yogurt, had a muffin and a spoon of peanut butter. Yum yum.

No idea what's for dinner tonight. Honey and I have been working on water diversion/mud management all day. We may go out to eat. I don't want to cook.

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