Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

How do you cook your collard greens? I sauteed them like spinach last time and the husband wasn't thrilled with them.
Really depends on what I am doing with them. Sometimes I'll hide them in soups and sauces. If it is going to be a veggie dish, I hate to say it, but depends. My basic step is to cook the spices/herbs for a bit before adding any greens (kale/swiss chard/collard greens). I like a mixture of minced/crushed garlic and sage in 2 TBLS butter and a bit of olive oil (keep from sticking). Sometimes rosemary and thyme. I have made them with fresh tomatoes or like last night, with string beans. I hope this helps.

My father LOVES them. I have tried my entire live to acquire an appreciation for them. Then I discovered kale.

My grandmother would cook collards in bacon grease and add sugar. It makes the medicine go down. They are not bad this way, just bad for you.

I have cooked them with tomato sauce and they are... okay.

basically: They aren't thrilling, The are good for you.

You could tell him that. Then he'll look up at you from his plate and say,"I'm not three anymore."
Or at least that's how it went down at our house.
We love spinach and kale sauteed. DH said to cut off the stalks next time. We don't like the swiss chard stalks either.

Really depends on what I am doing with them. Sometimes I'll hide them in soups and sauces. If it is going to be a veggie dish, I hate to say it, but depends. My basic step is to cook the spices/herbs for a bit before adding any greens (kale/swiss chard/collard greens). I like a mixture of minced/crushed garlic and sage in 2 TBLS butter and a bit of olive oil (keep from sticking). Sometimes rosemary and thyme. I have made them with fresh tomatoes or like last night, with string beans. I hope this helps.

Thanks! I'll try it again minus the stalks.
We like greens best when sauteed in butter or bacon grease, with onion and maybe mushroom. Cook til just wilted, then add a little chicken broth, just enough to really moisten everything. Let them cook to however done you want, then top with parmesan cheese and let set covered for a few minutes. Serve with vinegar.

We had youth group tonight, several errands for honey and I , and I caught the end of a Pampered Chef party. So, here I am, 10pm and having a cup of ramen. Yum, yum
I think I'm coming down with something, felt ill at work this afternoon. Came home, did my chores and went to bed. Woke up around 8:30pm and honey had make a big scramble with ham, onions and mushrooms with eggs and cheese. Sounded like dinner to me
Thank you my friends. I've slept a lot of the last 24 hours and feel better. I'm going to try going to a mom's movie night at church, but may beg off part way through. I don't know what the guys will have for dinner....there's ground beef thawed.

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