Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Dinner last night was at brother and sister-in-law's house. She made a ham, roasted asparagus, and bellyache salad. I brought homemade Parker House rolls and potatoes au gratin.

And my SIL made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for dessert.
Easy last night - grilled sirloin burgers with munchy ? cheese and leftover potato and macaroni salad - just the Princess and me - peace and quiet.
Last night was corned beef, fried cabbage and onions and garlic toast.

Tonight is chicken broccoli casserole. I'm also going to make a pot of chicken soup, as we've got a cold or whatever viral thing going on.

And cheesecake. haven't had a cheesecake in a long time. I've got strawberries for a topping, and I may do a pecan crust for a low carb option. I've done the almond flour crust, but pecans may be good too

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