Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I do not have one.
I keep thinking I should invest in one.
There are so many gadgets out there that I would like to have, but space is always an issue.
I resisted a food processor for a long time. I bought a cheap one and am finding it to be quite useful.
I am thinking that it is time for a serious clean out. I need to apply the closet clearing mentality to my cabinets.
If I have not used it in two years, get rid of it.
I could make room for different toys.

I have most of my space filled with wine carboys and fermenters.
I need to rethink that hobby.
Last night I had no dinner. I had a late lunch with some girlfriends to celebrate two birthdays so wasn't very hungry. However, I did manage to eat some ice cream with fresh strawberries around 8:30. Only because I can't take my vitamins unless I eat something, so I actually had to eat ice cream for medical reasons.
medicinal, there you go!

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