Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

It's a dank, gloomy, damp and miserable day here. I check the freezer for my options: 'mystery meal' in a container, chuck roast, crabcakes. I present the options to the Princess, and of course she wanted to know what the 'mystery meal' was. I think it is chicken paprikas. That's choice # 1 to be served with fresh dumplings and left over sweet corn. It's thawing now. Only time will tell what tonight will bring. Choice # 2 is crab cakes, grated potato cakes and left over sweet corn. Chuck pot roast just isn't happening.
Tonight we will eat Chinese food. It's a family tradition dating back 50 +years to when the Chinese restaurant was the only place open on Christmas eve.
Goin' easy on myself tonight - grilled sirloin steak, baked potato, sweet and sour red cabbage from the freezer.

Tomorrow son and his family arrive: for lunch we'll have kielbasa with sauerkraut and pierogis. Supper will be ham, scalloped potatoes, and green beans.

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