Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2


baked fish (cod and salmon) dilly green beans and island rice(white rice made with chicken stock pineapple and lime juice)
I’m feeling creative this week since finding this thread!
We had to go to Shoshoni yesterday because Ken had a Lodge meeting to attend, and it was also some high mucky-mucks visitation. They put on a huge spread for the evening dinner. There were thick slices of ham (can’t have it), scalloped potatoes (can’t have them), some kind of corn casserole (can’t have it), my favorite salad of tomatoes, cukes and onions in salted vinegar dressing (can’t have it) crusty loaves of homemade whole wheat bread (can’t have it) and on and on it went. There were several homemade pies. Ken took a piece of lemon meringue and gave me the meringue because while I can’t have citrus or flour, I can eat egg whites! Yayy me!!

Yes, I’m having a pity party and I ain’t ashamed of myself. I ate a lettuce and spinach salad, picked out the tomatoes which were chopped into the salad and unavoidable when serving, and no salad dressings, which are too high in phosphorous, potassium, and salts. This new normal bites!!
We had to go to Shoshoni yesterday because Ken had a Lodge meeting to attend, and it was also some high mucky-mucks visitation. They put on a huge spread for the evening dinner. There were thick slices of ham (can’t have it), scalloped potatoes (can’t have them), some kind of corn casserole (can’t have it), my favorite salad of tomatoes, cukes and onions in salted vinegar dressing (can’t have it) crusty loaves of homemade whole wheat bread (can’t have it) and on and on it went. There were several homemade pies. Ken took a piece of lemon meringue and gave me the meringue because while I can’t have citrus or flour, I can eat egg whites! Yayy me!!

Yes, I’m having a pity party and I ain’t ashamed of myself. I ate a lettuce and spinach salad, picked out the tomatoes which were chopped into the salad and unavoidable when serving, and no salad dressings, which are too high in phosphorous, potassium, and salts. This new normal bites!!
Well that puts a lot of the fun out of an event!
I was to a field trial today, Princess is on the way home from our daughter's. As per our phone conversation she may pick up some take out or I may make BLT sandwiches for supper.

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