Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Cooking the duck today that we thawed yesterday. I think I'm going to quarter it, dredge and pan fry the pieces for a nice crispy skin and then bake it in the oven to cook through. We have some cabbage leftover (cooked and raw) and some 1/2lb of carrot that needs to be used up so I'll figure out something. I'm leaning towards a slaw with vinaigrette based dressing. Maybe some biscuits or rice on the side too. We'll see how energetic I feel after the rest of my meetings today (in a long, boring one now).

You make the chicken marsala yourself? Recipe to share?
Sear chicken breasts - butter - about 5 minutes for side. Saute mushrooms, onions, garlic in a frying pan - add chicken breasts - add enough wine to cover the breasts - for less of a 'wine' taste, also add water. Cook on low heat until chicken is cooked - 30 minutes minimum - then thicken the sauce slightly with a cornstarch/gravy mate mixture. Quantities are to taste :oops: It's a little different each time and always better as leftovers. Salt to taste as served.

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