Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Cooking the duck today that we thawed yesterday. I think I'm going to quarter it, dredge and pan fry the pieces for a nice crispy skin and then bake it in the oven to cook through. We have some cabbage leftover (cooked and raw) and some 1/2lb of carrot that needs to be used up so I'll figure out something. I'm leaning towards a slaw with vinaigrette based dressing. Maybe some biscuits or rice on the side too. We'll see how energetic I feel after the rest of my meetings today (in a long, boring one now).
I must say I outdid myself after a full day of office work. Dinner was absolutely delicious.

The duck was delicious. I quartered it, dredged each quarter in four flour and shallow fried just to brown and crisp the skin nicely. Then I removed the meat and drained the grease. In the same skillet I put down a bed of slice onions and put the pieces of duck on top. I then seasoned it well and stuck it in the oven to finish cooking. I served it with homemade biscuits with butter and honey, corn on the cob (stored in the freezer from last summer), and a homemade slaw. The slaw was thinly sliced red cabbage and thin julienned carrots with an emulsion of red wine vinegar and olive oil seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, some pickled onions and pickled cucumber slices, and rosemary. The Ninja turned it all into a velvety dressing.
I must say I outdid myself after a full day of office work. Dinner was absolutely delicious.

The duck was delicious. I quartered it, dredged each quarter in four flour and shallow fried just to brown and crisp the skin nicely. Then I removed the meat and drained the grease. In the same skillet I put down a bed of slice onions and put the pieces of duck on top. I then seasoned it well and stuck it in the oven to finish cooking. I served it with homemade biscuits with butter and honey, corn on the cob (stored in the freezer from last summer), and a homemade slaw. The slaw was thinly sliced red cabbage and thin julienned carrots with an emulsion of red wine vinegar and olive oil seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, some pickled onions and pickled cucumber slices, and rosemary. The Ninja turned it all into a velvety dressing.
sounds fancy…..I had tomato soup and a baloney sammich.
Mix the refied with the chilie I did stubs bar cue sauce as the base it was what I had open.
Taco meat used 90 % burger .. So some sauce as a base add cheese, then meat. Then add the chilie and refried .. Then rest of the meat more Mozzerella on top bake 425 10 minutes. add lettuce after it out of the oven.
Made turkey breast nuggets with chickpeas on the side. Three nuggets were a hit, and easy enough as I just made cutlets out of a turkey breast and breaded and fried them. 1 breast turned into a basket of nuggets for us to share and still have leftovers for the kids to have for lunch tomorrow.

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