HEY Wisconsin, Second Annual Bigzio Bash!!!!!

as you can see no one knows what they're bringing. lol a desert sounds good.
Also everyone remember if you want a t-shirt you need to tell me how many and what sizes.
I think all of the shirts are going to be white with black writing. (I think black shirt, white writing would be good too. just the chicken would be "black")
Here is who I have so far and how many you want

2 Raimnel (me)
2 bigZ
1 DrH
1 Babylady4 (I need a size)
1 Amyable (I need a size)
1 susie "J" (I need a size)
2 TerriO
1 Beckyschicks
I'm going to put this info in my first post and keep that one updated!
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RAIMNEL--I really like the looks of the black one! (and please put an H on the with on the back) "chillin' WITH my peeps"

It will be me, Terri O and my DH, Derek O. We are still discussing what to bring. I am thinking a green garden salad and sausage/cheese. I cant believe I will have garden greens! Whoo--Hooo...so looking forward to that! Terri O
Raimnel, what sizes are available for the shirts? Sometimes it depends on the brand; some brands a medium fits, other brands I can squeeze into a small... are these pretty average sized sizes? Does that make any sense??
Also, are we doing any kids sizes?
more than likely I'm just going to walmart and getting what ever sizes people tell me to get. I didn't even think of kids sizes. lol how about 6-7 & 10-12 in kids and then jump to adults standards, sm, med, lg, XL, 2X and 3X? sound good? as far as brands, probably Hanes

most likely what I'll be buying

ok they MAY end up being more than $10 a piece. grrrr sorry!
looked at walmart and they have them for about $5. so IDK right now how much they will be.
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Anybody subscribed to this thread???

tshirts are on sale right now (probably be on sale again) but I would like to put an order in online soon. Anybody else want a T? I'm sure I'll be ordering again some day also.
I said I would bring a dessert, maybe it was lost somewhere???? Anyway TO would like her GF cake!
I do dessert best IMHO but I know my fam would argue I make a ton of good things besides dessert.........

I'll bring soap too!

Shirt sizes..... well I think I have a kid or two here who would like a shirt too...

So we have 5-6 attending and I need; 1 Women size L, 1 Men size M, 2 Women M, 1 Child L

I suppose it would be a good idea for people who are attending to post if there are any issues with food (peanuts, vegans, gluten, etc....)

Did anybody want baby calls???? I know I said I would hatch them out of I could for people who wanted them!
I got u down for a dessert.
what size is child large? 10-12??
just and FYI for anyone coming to the bash, You do not need to buy a shirt, this is just something fun.
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