hey ya'll, just stopping in to introduce myself


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 11, 2011
Name is John, living in Polk City, FL. I received my first chicks a little over two weeks ago and they have already started to roost on a stick I placed across the top of the brooder and on the outside edge of the box. Sometimes they fly up and set a spell on the washer. One will occasionally land on the floor and explore for a bit before finding her way back to the brooder, or else will peep loudly until I find it and put it back in. The breeds I have are anconas, brown leghorns, blue andalusians, silver hamburgs, and black minorcas. I have been looking forward to having chickens for quite some time and sure glad I took the plunge. They are a real treat.
Hello John and
from North Mississippi

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