Hi all, I have been an avid reader but never posted.


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2023
1 of my Oliveeggers is not acting normal. No scratching, pecking the ground, and not as active overall.
Back story. She had a hooked beak. I went to trim it yesterday and realized it was cracked at the quick. I decided to trim it at the crack. It did bleed and was able to stop it rather quickly. I'm hoping she is just sore and will be back to normal soon. Also, she just stands there and some of the other hens stare at her then peck her face. Not violent but still a peck. She has always been lower in the pecking order. You think I need to separate her or let her figure it out. I know if I separate her she will be picked on when she returns. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

It's been my experience that an injured chicken experiencing pain will act sort of spacey, like the old term "shell shock". Beak injuries hurt just as much as when you hit a thumb with a hammer or slice a finger tip when cutting up raw veggies. Yeah, a lot.

In fact, a little shock can happen and that can be helped with a cup of sugar water, one cup with one teaspoon sugar. Mix up a larger proportion and let all the chickens drink it for a day. No need to isolate the hen.
Welcome to BYC. Expect her to be in some pain for a couple of days, but encourage her to drink well. Water melon would be good and soft on the beak. Mix mushy wet chicken feed and water in a small bowl that can be changed a couple of times a day. If she continues to be pecked or the beak bleeds, a wire dog crate with food and water left with the others would protect her.
Hello and Welcome to BYC. Thanks for joining our community. Sorry about your lovely girl having problems. You are most likely right in that if you remover her she will be pecked even worse when you put her back. Does she have a place to get out of the way in the coop? Do the other hens have something to distract them from her? Can you share some photos of your setup? These things may help us to help you.
Thanks for your reply. I have 20 hens. My coop is 30 by 15 with a dirt/hey floor and the run is the same size. All the hens can move to their own space. I let them out to range in the yard about 8 hrs a day.(6 acres, lots of shade)
She is not being bullied I don't think. It's like the other hens look at her like they don't recognize her then give her a peck. Actually, she just stands there and takes it.
Welcome to BYC. Expect her to be in some pain for a couple of days, but encourage her to drink well. Water melon would be good and soft on the beak. Mix mushy wet chicken feed and water in a small bowl that can be changed a couple of times a day. If she continues to be pecked or the beak bleeds, a wire dog crate with food and water left with the others would protect her.
Will do, thanks.

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