I just wanted to say hi and thank all of you for sharing your valuable knowledge with us new to raising Chickens! We have been perusing (lurking?) this site for quite awhile to learn what it took to raise chickens before we jumped in. We now are the proud parents of three! a Rhode Island Red (Ginger) an Ameraucana (Mary Ann) and a Buff Orpington (Mrs. Howell aka Lovey)
It's been 3 weeks in a dog crate using the Mom Hen method except with a Chicken Heating mat because we could not a find blanket without auto shut off and our Tactor Supply sold it to us cheaper than a blanket! So after some "field trips" to the backyard in a makeshift run we put them in the coop for the night still with their "mini coop-er" and mat. The next morning we opened the pop door and after a bit they came marching down into their near run to explore. They spent the day running and flying around up and down the ramp into the coop so I was just hoping that come night they would know to go back into the coop for the night. And at dusk they did just that. All three marched up the ramp togeather and settled in so I shut the pop door and said good night. I am convinced that was from the Mom Hen method and having natural day night swings.
Sorry for the dissertation but I just wanted to show that this stuff works and we appreciate your sharing.
It's been 3 weeks in a dog crate using the Mom Hen method except with a Chicken Heating mat because we could not a find blanket without auto shut off and our Tactor Supply sold it to us cheaper than a blanket! So after some "field trips" to the backyard in a makeshift run we put them in the coop for the night still with their "mini coop-er" and mat. The next morning we opened the pop door and after a bit they came marching down into their near run to explore. They spent the day running and flying around up and down the ramp into the coop so I was just hoping that come night they would know to go back into the coop for the night. And at dusk they did just that. All three marched up the ramp togeather and settled in so I shut the pop door and said good night. I am convinced that was from the Mom Hen method and having natural day night swings.
Sorry for the dissertation but I just wanted to show that this stuff works and we appreciate your sharing.