Hi everyone


In the Brooder
Jul 20, 2016
Hi my name is Anthony i have done alot of reading on this forum and it has been so helpfull! I live in vancouver and i have 3 chickens that i got from my grandfather from oliver bc one mumma and 2 chicks approx 4 minths old. I built a coop about 4ft wide by 18ft long. I have been helping
on my family farm in oliver my whole life but this is the first time i have ever owned my own chickens! Also im in search of 2 ameraucana or araucana blue laying hens hens (one for my grandfather and one for me!) they are my grandfathers favorite and he cant seem to find them anywhere so if someone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated
Hi Anthony and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. Congrats on your own flock.

You may wish to check out your country thread - https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/144/canadians-check-in-here as it's useful to find members nearby.

If you type "breeders Canada" there is a thread listing breeders - it's likely to be outdated, but it may give some leads.

There's also the Buy/sell/trade forum to check out. You will need to have made 20 posts before you can participate, but no reason not to check it out.

Best wishes

Seems @BuffO beat me to it ! :D
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Thanks for the hospitality everyone! Everyone here is so helpful! Thanks for the info all! Im sure we will be in touch in the future!

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