Hi from East Tennessee - mom of 4 weeks old Black Australorp


6 Years
May 8, 2013
My Coop
My Coop

I've been using the BYC forums for the last several years but I've never posted.
I've decided to finally post since I've been obsessing over one of my baby chicks for last several weeks.

I've recently moved to East Tennessee (Walland), and I've used the BYC breed ratings to get the following 8 pet female chicks from MyPetChicken -

2 Silkies (Sue and Sandy)
1 Buff Orphington (Buffy)
1 Plymouth Barred Rock (Roxy)
1 Golden Buff or Red Star (Star)
1 Rhode Island Red (Rose)
1 Light Brahma (Boo)
1 Black Australorp (Audrey)

They're all amazing with different personalities, and I love them all.
By far my favorite is the Black Australorp, but I'm so afraid that Audrey may be a boy.
Audrey greets me the first, snuggles up to my neck (with content sighs~), and just wants to be with me all the time. The bird acts more like a parrot than a chicken, and is more affectionate than any other birds I've had in the past. S/He will turn 4 weeks old tomorrow, and towers over all other chicks (although different breeds).
I realize it's too early to tell for sure, but how many people were so sure that they had a cock on their hands, but it turned out to be a hen after all? It seems many people don't know for sure for many months with Black Australorps, but I'm not sure if I can keep wondering for that long as I'm very stressed over it.

I love Audrey, but I can't have a cock where I live, so I'll have to very sadly give it up once it's confirmed that she is a he. There's no sign of saddle or hackle feathers yet, but I do see wattles developing as seen below. All Australorp experts, please share with all clear examples possible when/what to look for.

Audrey is a boy for sure. I'm sorry you will have to get rid of him...
From the very first week, I've suspected that Audrey may be a boy, and that was entirely from its rooish spunky behavior. The comb and tail size were about the same as my Buffy's, but the wattles sprouted during the past week, along with the taller and redder comb. I just hope that I could find him a nice home...
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I've got a 3.5 week old Australorp who is nowhere near as feathered as yours, nor anywhere near as large - she's only got a few feathers in on her chest, the start of a couple on her back, a half inch long tail and no comb to speak of at all, and is probably 2/3rds the size of your baby. Judging by the massive difference in growth, I'm guessing that if you've got a boy, I've got a girl, or just some stunted growth. I'm sorry if you have to find him a new home, he sounds like a sweet chook.
At 4 weeks, that's a lot of comb and wattle. I'd be shocked if he ended up being a girl.

Ketaped, your chick sounds like it may be a bit delayed. There is a range of normal, of course, but most are covered like that at 4-6 weeks.
I know.. I'm pretty sure Audrey is a boy now. My other chicks are all pretty well developed as well so I had kept my hope up, but Audrey's wattles really stand out. He decided to grow his comb and wattles even larger/redder in the last few days.

With other girls (I hope)

I made a peculiar noise to get their attention. Andrey ignored the noise near the water bottle. Note the Rhode Island Red's tall comb on the rear right, but she has to be a female being sexlinked and she definitely acts like a girl.

Next to Buffy (and Sandy, the smaller Silky). Audrey's comb size and color were neck and neck with Buffy's until about 3rd week, and then his just shot out, got redder, and grew wattles in a week. This pic is from this morning.

It's a boy!
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Audrey (yes, still Audrey...) now at exactly 6 weeks old.
He is such a handsome big boy... I really hope that I can find him a good home soon.

Look at his beautiful soulful dark eyes.

I've just found a taker for Audrey, but the buyer is in FL and wont' be able to pick him up until mid July. I was grateful to find Audrey a home and was tremendously relieved...for a day...

This morning, I was playing with the birds and fed them some tasty treats, and then when I started walking away from the coop, Audrey started crowing for the first time!!!

The crow was soft and sounded like a bird was dying, but he did it twice and I immediately made a commotion to curtail his behavior. All other birds got freaked out by Audrey's crow and hurled into the coop, and he didn't repeat since. This makes me panic since I have to wait another month before Audrey can be picked up, and I absolutely cannot have a crowing rooster in the neighborhood.

Will he continue with his crowing practice until he can let out his full blown crow, or was this some sort of fluke?
I am incredibly worried!
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