Hi everyone, I have been reading posts on this wonderful informative site for some time now, and have posted a question on the 'Chicken behaviours and egglaying' forum earlier today but not sure if it was the right place, so will copy and post it here as well in the hope that someone might be able to offer some helpful advice please:
I have a little Polish x hen with 2 little Silky x chickens who are 4 weeks old today, but she has been laying each day for the last week and is no longer showing any mothering skills except that she still lets them burrow under her at night.
I have to say that she was not my choice of mothers, she went broody and insisted on cohabitating a nest with one of my lovely old barnevelder girls who was sitting on 10 eggs a friend gave me. Unfortunately a couple of days before they hatched, a vistor's dog got in to my hen house and killed my beautiful barnevelder while the little polish x was out of the nest stretching her legs (lucky for her!). There were a few eggs left intact after the carnage, which the little polish x continued to cover. She hatched out 3 with these 2 surviving.
I currently have them in the hen house in a 3ft long x 2ft wide wire dog crate with the bottom 4 inches or so covered with clear plastic (so the chicks couldn't get through the wire) and would love to let them out to pick on the grass and scratch, but my chickens are completely free range and I am sure she would just abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves as she spends a lot of time during the day sitting on top of the waterer looking for a way out.
If I let her out I could bring the chickens out for a short time in a slightly smaller wire crate where they could scratch and peck in the sunshine, but would they still need a heat lamp at night, or do I just keep her cooped up with them until they are fully feathered?
It is spring here in Tasmania (Aus) and the days are quite warm and pleasant, but the nights are still quite chilly at 6-9 degrees C (about 42-48 degrees F)
I have a little Polish x hen with 2 little Silky x chickens who are 4 weeks old today, but she has been laying each day for the last week and is no longer showing any mothering skills except that she still lets them burrow under her at night.
I have to say that she was not my choice of mothers, she went broody and insisted on cohabitating a nest with one of my lovely old barnevelder girls who was sitting on 10 eggs a friend gave me. Unfortunately a couple of days before they hatched, a vistor's dog got in to my hen house and killed my beautiful barnevelder while the little polish x was out of the nest stretching her legs (lucky for her!). There were a few eggs left intact after the carnage, which the little polish x continued to cover. She hatched out 3 with these 2 surviving.
I currently have them in the hen house in a 3ft long x 2ft wide wire dog crate with the bottom 4 inches or so covered with clear plastic (so the chicks couldn't get through the wire) and would love to let them out to pick on the grass and scratch, but my chickens are completely free range and I am sure she would just abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves as she spends a lot of time during the day sitting on top of the waterer looking for a way out.
If I let her out I could bring the chickens out for a short time in a slightly smaller wire crate where they could scratch and peck in the sunshine, but would they still need a heat lamp at night, or do I just keep her cooped up with them until they are fully feathered?
It is spring here in Tasmania (Aus) and the days are quite warm and pleasant, but the nights are still quite chilly at 6-9 degrees C (about 42-48 degrees F)
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