hi i am VeganGal


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2018
Hi I am VeganGal. I live in TN in the country and have 11 chickens. 9 hens. 2 roos. a duck, had 2 ducks but the female died. I am not sure but i think the male got too rough with her and killed her.
I also have a pot belly pig. 5 dogs, and 11 cats.
all my animals are fixed except the chickens and duck of course.
even my pig.
i have 2 roosters, one is very aggressive and fights with the other roo and also over mates and hurts the hens. I had to finally separate him, and he lives in a bachelor pen by himself. i had 8 roosters at one point and had the vet put 6 of them down. at first i thought the 2 i kept would do fine. but the one rooster just is too aggressive. i may end up having the vet put him down also. i hate to make him live alone. and he seems to be getting more aggressive being in the pen alone.
The other rooster is gentle with the hens, doesn't over mate them and is not aggressive. he is a sweetie.
Welcome to BYC. I'd suggest keeping the less aggressive rooster and get rid of the other one, 9 hens isn't enough for 2 roosters. I like to have 10 hens per rooster to avoid over-breeding issues.. As for you duck he must be very lonely :hmm Ducks are even worse when it comes to breeding though, especially during breeding season. You don't need as many hens for drakes but if you plan on getting him more girls I strongly suggest you get him no less than 4 hens of his own. No more drakes. And if you do plan on having multiple drakes then I wouldn't have less then 6 hens per drake.
Welcome to Backyard chickens!:frowGlad you joined the flock! BYC is a very helpful and informative site. I would agree on putting down one of your roos if keeps being aggressive. Hope you enjoy being here!

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