Hi Im haveing problems


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 6, 2014

I have people saying these two are both Roosters and I have people saying ones a rooster and ones a hen Can anyone tell me if they are or not
You might have better luck finding out if you post in the 'What gender or breed is this' category. Just go to where you first found this thread and scroll down a ways, it should be right there! At a glance I'd say that the one on the right is definitely a roo and the one on the left...??? Might have to wait to see if it drops and egg or not...lol !!!
well i just had someone tell me they wasnt both roosters i thought they where thats why in wondering if im right or not
I know nothing of the breeds, but the one on the right has a single long feather sticking up from its rear, which is a classic rooster trait. Also, his neck feathers look longer/ornate. Can't tell on the left one at all, since I'm not that experienced, and it isn't a good photo of him, but I see a black rooster behind him :).
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This is not the best photo for such a determination - but both appear to be cockerels from what can be seen. Side profile shots showing each bird tip-to-tail would be helpful.
Since your photo doesn't show the back end of the one on the left well (the one on the right is male), look at this male trait in my photos, though a different breed. Pointy fringe of saddle feathers is always male. Always. If yours has that, it's a cockerel.

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