Hickersonia Got Chicks!



Feb 10, 2020
Cincinnati, Ohio
My chicks came today! Woo hoo!! I have wanted them for so many years, and about a month ago my husband finally joined the bandwagon. I figured I needed to start a thread to track what we do (and get all the advice I can get). So I introduce to you our beautiful new chicks!

Sapphire, our Barred Plymouth Rock

Sassy, our Speckled Sussex (she is already feisty!)

Autumn, our Golden Comet

Honey, our Buff Orpington

Yuri, our Black Australorp
My coop and run are still a work in progress, but I'm really liking how it is turning out. I am going to put a door in between the kennel and smaller run still, and the smaller run will have a tarp over it so they always have a shady/dry area to be in. The max number of chickens I can have is 6. My husband has laughed at me, saying I'll be tinkering with this coop/run all spring and summer.

I will end up putting chicken wire in the gap between the panel and the coop.

Not how it is suppose to be assembled, but this gives them a little more room. I will have a tarp going over it (slanted to allow for runoff).
They are all adorable! You will love them so much chickens are lovely. Something I would recommend though is to use a different wire than chicken wire in the gap, also maybe alongside the bottom 2 feet of the run of the larger fencing. I recommend this because I had the same fencing as you, the really wide one, and a raccoon was able to reach his grubby little hand in my run and decapitate my polish lady :hit . After that I lined the bottom 2.5 feet of my fence with really fine fencing (1x1 centimeter I think) and i've had no issues. I'm not sure how much it cost though, so if pricing is an issue maybe just block it off with something like wood or spikes. Good luck!
They are all adorable! You will love them so much chickens are lovely. Something I would recommend though is to use a different wire than chicken wire in the gap, also maybe alongside the bottom 2 feet of the run of the larger fencing. I recommend this because I had the same fencing as you, the really wide one, and a raccoon was able to reach his grubby little hand in my run and decapitate my polish lady :hit . After that I lined the bottom 2.5 feet of my fence with really fine fencing (1x1 centimeter I think) and i've had no issues. I'm not sure how much it cost though, so if pricing is an issue maybe just block it off with something like wood or spikes. Good luck!
Oh man!! The entire bottom of the bigger run is getting covered with something. I have chicken wire at home, but may go get some hardware cloth (I think that's what it is called?) the next time I am out. We are in a shelter in place right now (thanks Corona virus....), so I'm doing what I can with what I have now, but if I get a big enough list I may venture out to get stuff. Good thing is, the chicks are so small still, I have some time to get it all finished before they even get to enjoy the run.
Good morning!! My chicks did well overnight, but I was a nervous momma, checking on them every few hours. I dreamed that I checked on them in the morning, and they had gotten enormous, and looked like those drawings of the feathered dinosaurs. I think I have a problem...LOL! Looking forward to getting them out and letting the family interact with them more today (my daughter is begging!).

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