*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Astrid handed Adel a few gems. Among the ones she kept was her favorite, the Ruby.
(The man should pay something like a billion dollars. There's a lot of very expensive, very rare gems
Adel put the gems on the table "We have 1 Canary gem, 1 pink sapphire, and 1 purple grannet moon gem "Hmmm, and how much are you wanting?" Adel thought "900,000" Adel said He thought for a while "alright he shook her hand and handed her a check.
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Adel put the gems on the table "We have 1 Canary gem, 1 pink sapphire, and 1 purple grannet moon gem "Hmmm, and how much are you wanting?" Adel thought "900,000" Adel said He thought for a while "alright he shook her hand and handed her a check.
Adel looked at them sternly "Do NOT waste this money, people will try to steal it, so cash it and leave the money at the bank and you can pick it up whenever you need money" She smiled "Good meet'n you folks, bye now" She walked away

(Maybe they like follow her and become friends?)
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~Shape Shifter ~

Name: Carrow
Age: 22
Gender: Female
History: She had fallen from the nest when she was just a fledgling. She'd had enough wings to slow her descent, but unfortunately she still fractured her wing. After that it was never sound for flying. So she has spent all of her life on two legs. Be them talons or human feet. She has never known the ecstasy of fight. Only the horror of her tragic fall. Her parents soon had to turned their backs on her. They were torn between the needs of the many vs the needs of the one. She didn't blame them, they had two other chicks to raise and she was just a complication. She is fascinated with the skyscrapers of the city. She'd sneak into the city at night and go to their tops. Mainly to look down from the great heights and feel the wind in her face.
Personality: Repressed, dedicated, monogamous, honest, modest and in rare moments of weakness, bitter.
True form (An animal): Golden Eagle
Picture/Description: Her eagle form is a very large glorious bird, of brightly hued golds and umbers that integrates with a deep rust color. In her human form, her hair color mimics her eagle coloring and falls just past her shoulders. She has a piercing stare, mainly do to her light brown and amber highlighted eyes. She is very tall and angular in build.
Username: NickyKnack
(Accepted! Love it. Have ypu read Buchanan form?)
Astrid made an account at the bank gave them all her money except a twenty dollar bill and received a card.
Name: Angela
Age: 19
Gender: female
History: got lost from her family when she was young, often went to the city in dove form to look for them but never found them. Occasionally she would become a human and take clothes and other things, but didn't do that often since her white hair made her stand out so much
Personality: shy, quiet
True Form: (An animal) dove
(I'm so glad that this has become as popular as it is! Unfortunately, I have to leave. Sorry! (@LittleBrownie, Rodney can RP with someone else. :p ))

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