High Fructose Corn Syrup & Mercury

I gave up high fructose corn syrup over a year ago.
You'd be surprised at how much healthier you feel and
look after dumping it.
We also ended up saving tons of money on groceries after
dumping the hfcs.
There have been many studies where it is showed to make kids irritable and cranky. I am a ferm believer that the stuff is no good! My ds and I eat only organically in the house but when he gets the occasional Dunkin Dounut or something like that I notice a difference in his personality. He also has great muscle definition for a 3 1/2 year old and the dr says he is the healthiest kid he has seen. I do believe that the food we eat is a big part of that. Mercury is NO good it was in the older flu shots and vacines too.
Yeah, you have to read labels & ingredient lists like a hawk to stay away from that stuff. I know we get *some* but I try not to buy food with it, and I do most of our baking. Love my bread machine!

On an interesting note, when we were in India, we got to really like the taste of Coke there--it's made with actual cane sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. Tastes better.
It's officially awake now! Let's see what happens...

Probably nothing.....

Look at what the FDA has done to a cattle company trying to do the right thing...


<edit> or perhaps a story on it from a less biased scorce:

Not quite the same but close enough that you should get the point.
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It's officially awake now! Let's see what happens...

They don't use HFCS so much in the UK. I believe the subsidize the beet sugar industry there, not corn like here. I think the climate has something to do with it. My biggest issue, aside from it being in everything is that is also all from GMO corn. YUCK. Cooking from scratch eleminates so much gunk from our food.
it is so HARD to buy things that do not have it in it though...
EVERYTHING Is made with it - and I do mean everything.

this is just insane - if they know its bad for us - then why even make items with it?
We cut out HFCS and hydrogenated fats over a year ago. You'd be surprised how many foods we can't buy at the grocery store now. Most cereals, ketchups, sauces, soups, crackers, of course, cookies and goodies, bread and rolls (finding "good" hamburger and hot dog rolls was an adventure), almost everything.

Post cereal does make a mini wheat cereal without it, and the preservative is even added to the package and not the cereal- the most reasonably priced cereal without junk I've found except for oatmeal.

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