HILARIOUS / ODD chick behaviors anyone ??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
We got our 6 little chicks today!
I've noticed they sleep like collapsed little lumps all together..or wherever.
But they also snooze looking like they had just keeled over, legs stretched out, cocked on their sides, or face down!!! Like an image to be captioned "kicked the bucket".
On a more sensitive note, they really gave us a start at first when we thought something was wrong, they really look dead when they lay that way.Can't help it, every time I see it to call someone in to look even though we have all seen it by now!
They also wipe their beaks off on the paper towel flooring sometimes after they eat!
They are doing very well and are very cuute!
I gave my nine day olds their first live food (lil' pill bugs) and was treated to round of "chicken rugby" as they chased each other around playing keep away.

I also put a large rock in their brooder and was treated to a round of king of the mountain.

I'm so glad I am easily amused.
We got our 6 little chicks today!
I've noticed they sleep like collapsed little lumps all together..or wherever.
But they also snooze looking like they had just keeled over, legs stretched out, cocked on their sides, or face down!!!  Like an image to be captioned "kicked the bucket". 
On a more sensitive note, they really gave us a start at first when we thought something was wrong, they really look dead when they lay that way.Can't help it, every time I see it to call someone in to look even though we have all seen it by now!
They also wipe their beaks off on the paper towel flooring sometimes after they eat!
They are doing very well and are very cuute!

It's so funny when they sleep on their side that way! My love BASE jumping off their heat plate. The 3 day olds just figured it out this morning and are having a blast!
When my chicks first fell asleep I was worried that they were dead. And they'd just do it randomly, like be running around then boom - asleep.

Now they all sleep in a pile, it's adorable.

I threw a dandelion into the brooder yesterday and they played a game of grab and chase.

We have a black australorp that is obsessed with getting ontop of the waterer too. I'll be so glad to get them out in the coop tonight, they're ready.
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We got our 6 little chicks today!
I've noticed they sleep like collapsed little lumps all together..or wherever.
But they also snooze looking like they had just keeled over, legs stretched out, cocked on their sides, or face down!!! Like an image to be captioned "kicked the bucket".
On a more sensitive note, they really gave us a start at first when we thought something was wrong, they really look dead when they lay that way.Can't help it, every time I see it to call someone in to look even though we have all seen it by now!
They also wipe their beaks off on the paper towel flooring sometimes after they eat!
They are doing very well and are very cuute!

Its really interesting when new born chicks sleep, if you don't know better you would think that they are dead.

Besides that congratulations on your new chicks, also make sure you give them nutritious feed as early as possible.
I gave my nine day olds their first live food (lil' pill bugs) and was treated to round of "chicken rugby" as they chased each other around playing keep away.

I also put a large rock in their brooder and was treated to a round of king of the mountain.

I'm so glad I am easily amused.

Chicken rugby is right lol! And it's really funny when it's a non food item like a piece of straw. The chase is just as intense as if it were a worm. Silly chicks!
I have a chick that is terrified of crickets. I bought some tiny ones from the pet store that were only about 1/4" long. I dropped 10 in the brooder and she screamed and ran to the corner and wouldn't come out until the other chicks ate them all! Silly girl!
I have a chick that is terrified of crickets. I bought some tiny ones from the pet store that were only about 1/4" long. I dropped 10 in the brooder and she screamed and ran to the corner and wouldn't come out until the other chicks ate them all! Silly girl!

That's too funny! Scared of crickets.. Reminds me of my cat, he is afraid to go outside.

Good game ideas! I am going to look for a rock to put in there. I bet they would go crazy over a shoelace. I guess while I wasn't home, one of them passed the umbilical cord (or somewhat passed it?) and the others grabbed it and chased each other for it and the one winner got its first treat.
The latest:
after they eat they wipe their faces neatly on the paper towels.....it looks like they're head banging!

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