Hillside Poultry Farm is not telling the truth

I think it is so important when selling your own eggs to build value in them, Why yours are better. get a dozen of his eggs and show your customers the difference, hands on. The key to success if you are serious about your operation is to know your competiters, and then be competitive yourself. Just a tip.

Our local paper has a section that is call letters to the Editor. If you have that forum use it to get the work out. This is false adverting and can make egg farms like you and I be questiond as to the quality of our eggs.
like I said, talk to him directly.. Maybe he DOES have a farm somewhere.. By going after him without knowing all the facts could get you into a situation that you might not like..

also, can you cover all the customers he has?? If you do not have the volume of eggs, many people are going to be left without eggs.. and there is no guarantee that they will buy from you if you do run him out of business..

why are you so intent on ruining this guy??
I would be bothered, too. What kind of dump is he getting his eggs from so cheaply that he can THEN sell them for that price??

I just posted a link to a HUGE factory egg farm in Maine that is in big trouble for animal abuse. The largest egg distributor in New England. Its places like these where he is most likely able to get his eggs from and then resell.

I would also try to find out *where* he gets his eggs from. Guaranteed its horrible. You're then able to tell your customers where they are coming from and the big why he is able to sell them cheap.
He's misleading the people that buy his eggs, around here you have to have a permit to sell any eggs off your property and the lable on the carton OKed by the state, the cartons also have to state were they came from with a date one month from lay, does you area need this too? does he have it if you do?
I would NOT ask or confront this person. If they are doing something illegal they will know who you are and blame you if they get shut down.

I would NOT go to the paper with out more info either.

I would contact the local agency responsible for licensing egg sellers (Dept. of Ag. here). Just tell them what you have seen or suspect, and let them take over. Then if they are legally legit, but not forthright to the customers word of mouth is the way to go.
You are assuming an awful lot - maybe the guy has a farm off his "parking place" and he simply sells so cheap because he has a LOT of eggs to get rid of. Unless you KNOW for sure he is scamming other people, it really isn't right to go public with uninformed Slander.
(yes, he can charge you with slander and probably win if he can prove otherwise).

btw - this is the "dump" I get my own eggs from, and I sell them for a buck a dozen.



Not everyone is out to make a lot of money from their eggs. Not to slam anyone who is - more power to them if they can get it - it's just not what I'm into the chicken thing for.

eta -
Yes, I do also realize he is selling a lot more eggs than I am - so his "farm" (if it exists) would be much larger than mine. I'm not saying you are not right - he may well be doing what you accuse him of - BUT unless you have proof, you are wrong to put it out into the public spotlight.

The last thread that was more or less complaints about someone (many someone's ) underselling a BYC member was locked, I believe, because it got very heated. The thing to remember is that this is still a Free Market and Capitalism is still in force here (for now
) and the last I checked, it wasn't a crime to sell your property for whatever price you wish to sell it for.

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kaya's farm :

thanks for the pointer but I am looking to do what I can to stop Hillside and the lies they use to sell mass amounts of factory eggs.
I could give a crap about the individual who doesnt know they are not getting farm fresh eggs for 1.25, not angry at them but the company who is tricking it's costumers

Can you prove that he buys factory eggs and resells them as farm fresh?

Before I did anything publicly - anonymous or not - I would have proof that would stand up in court - because Slander is against the law - and he may well take you to court. (even if you think you're being "anonymous".)

just a suggestion

eta - from the wording of this post I quoted, it sounds like you do not care about people getting duped, nor about the hens in this "supposed" factory farm - but only care about being undersold. In which case, you need to see how better to sell your own eggs, instead of trying to "shut down" the competition.
If I misread, I apologize.

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I never thought of it this way The commerical egg industry. Eggs from sad and abused chickens that eat Mac D's. Sad!
then what do they do with the sad old chickens butcher them for sad chicken stew?
This is what the govt. thinks we should eat.... This is my first year in many years that I have had to buy my eggs....I don't like it.
. I never buy because its cheap. Actually if I hear cheap a red flag goes up! WHY!

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