Holding chickens

I'm contrary. I grew up with Birds so I handle them as needed and that varies from bird to bird based on what they are used for. My birds are neither demanding nor pushy..

Getting that aside, just try to make so the handling does not promote stress. Some responses that appear to be cuddling can be indicative of discomfort.

Well, that’s why I posted this, described her reaction and posted a picture. I don’t know if she’s comfortable.
I have 6 that I raised from chicks. Most don't like being held but there is one that comes to hop on my lap on occasion and another that follows me around and squawks away me until I either pick her up, or she just jumps up on my shoulder. :lau I'm not allowed to be in the backyard without holding her, apparently!
I really don't know why they don't like being picked up, but it's useful that they don't. I do it when they act like bullies or try to peck at me, and carry them around for a few minutes. Lol! I tell you what though, once they settle down, they seem to actually like it a bit, and let me check them for mites and vent issues. Especially if I rub their cheeks, and under their wings.
I have three chicks now about to lay pullets that follow me everywhere but don't particularly love me to pick them up or pet them. I just got 3 new pullets who are on the bottom of the pecking order and they seem to love being petted and the Silver Laced Wyandotte jumped on my shoulder tonight and buried her head in my hair. I was shocked and delighted! Her best friend is a Sapphire Gem who likes to be petted. I thought for a while she was going to jump up as well!
I do try to pick all of them up a few times a week to just check them out and make sure they are healthy and have a clean vent. I am new to all of this as well.
All of my girls tolerate being picked up, but nobady particularly likes it. All of them will get in my lap at least briefly. Margo, my Leghorn, enjoys being pet and even let me daughter lay her on her back when she was a pullet. OP, if you holding her were stressing her out, she’d let you know. You’re doing great, and it looks to me like she enjoys it.

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