holes dug under chicken coop ID?

I vote rat. Could be a small ground hog, though little motivation for a ground hog... though they do like chicken feed. I've recently discovered that there are rats in my yard: garden, wood pile, HK mound. Have not seen any tunnelings in/around chicken run... yet. Squirrel, chipmunk... See if you can set up several different types of traps. Of course keeping safety of other critters in the forefront of your set up. Good luck. Rats are wary, and smart, so you may have a difficult time catching one.

Edited: Weasels are found in all 48 states. You are not likely to see one... but you will certainly see their damage if you don't build your coop to exclude them. I don't think they are burrowers. They use holes left by other diggers. Though I could be wrong here. I've been told they are not climbers, yet a google search showed footage of one climbing down out of a tree. If not a climber, how did he get up so he could then climb down?
my profile pic is the lone live weasel I have seen, he was loping across the yard and when I went out to see what that skinny, long chipmunk was.. he climbed a tree and posed. 4th gen on this farm and no one remembers weasels around.
I was going to vote weasel too b/c of the size of the hole, though I don't know much about their hole digging abilities. I've never seen one where I live nor heard about them until a coworker who used to have chickens told me that she encountered some in the past. Regardless, I agree w/ KiKi's statement.. there's something out there and you need to make sure it can't get to your birds. You could see if someone you know has a trail cam you can borrow and set it up to see if it comes back. At least that way you'd know for sure what you're dealing with.
I've seen where some people have piled up rocks around their run to deter predators. A woman I met told me she dug about a foot down into the ground and put in fencing. I lined my run with 4x4s. I've also heard of people who close their chicken doors at night/ open them in the morning to keep their birds safe at night. I'm sure there's other people with more experience who can give you other ideas that may help you better. Good luck! I hope you're able to catch it before it harms any of your birds.

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