Home-schooled Peeps Unite Here! ----->

This is kinda awesome I was homeschooled long ago, and am currently teaching my kids! My favorites are history and literature, my 10 year old is a science and math boy (especially physics and anything Life of Fred) and my girl likes handwriting and Life of Fred math, too. And art. And my 5 year old likes learning words. We all like our 5 Easter Eggers, but not cleaning the coop.
Hello fellow Home-schooled peeps! I've been since fourth grade... Wouldn't change a thing. There were so many terrible things going on in public schools (no offense). My favorite subjects are history, wood shop (big time) :lol:. I pretty much love everything as long as I'm with my family when learning it. :)

Looking forward to meeting more folks along with my friends that are already home-schooled. Have a wonderful day!


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