Homemade bator " try'n it out !!!!"

Robert, your doing an excellent job on your temp & humidity. And yes please post any updates.I'd love to see the end results.of your project incubator. My first time incubating I didn't know but 2 of my eggs were duds but the only fertile 1 hatched.So all in all I had a great hatch and it ended up to be a Jersey Giant. I didn't know what I was dong except what I was reading from the forum here and youtube. So keep up the good work and your gonna have what you want little PEEPS. Do you have an automatic turner? Cause with me I kept forgetting if I had turned the eggs or not, But now with the automatic turner in place all I do is add water when humidity gets low. But I have a tube inserted into the dish that I keep the sponge in.
I got close to 70 chickens outside and 25 in brooder and 4 in incubator.And only 2 are laying right now. The 1s that are laying I had sold to a guy living a block away and he took them home in a box and the next morning I had both chickens on top of my fence when I went outside to feed the others. Now who says a chicken isn't smart enough to know where home is?
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here you all go, some pics of the incubator all done now. Did some up-grades still need a turner motor though, really don't know what to get. (??????)

these are in the making pics








these are the done deal, had to do the water feed different, and it's work'n great




The wife is sure glad I'm done build'n it cause I was get'n pretty PO'd at times.
Just so everyone knows, the cooler is a coleman not sure the model, it was my bother-in-laws that he used while driving a big rig. The fan was already there only thing that was wrong with it was the cool'n & heat'n part quit. Lucky me.
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I was just sitting here looking at the pics and wondering why you didn't use the original thermoelectric heater that was built into the cooler. My very first incubator was one that I threw together and used a functional thermoelectric cooler. After a couple good hatches and going through 2 - 12v power supplies, I decided to build something better. Nice and clean job on yours.
I was just sitting here looking at the pics and wondering why you didn't use the original thermoelectric heater that was built into the cooler. My very first incubator was one that I threw together and used a functional thermoelectric cooler. After a couple good hatches and going through 2 - 12v power supplies, I decided to build something better. Nice and clean job on yours.

The theroeletric heater wasn't work'n, which is why he was throw'n it away.
Cause I did think of that, but it's still nice to have a built in fan, yep yep.
Robert you have done a great job on building your bator. Only things I would of done different is (1) put light source at top of bator (2) is put mesh wire on bottom (3) use a wafer thermostat cause they are more reliable. Just my opion. Other than that you have done an excellent job.
you really don't need the wiggler.
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