Homemade Incubator - Temperature/Thermostat Problems!

ContessaKris, I've got my fingers crossed for you. As to that 60 watt bulb not getting up to temp, that is weird. Seems that if you kept turning the thermostat control knob up a little at a time it would eventually get there. Regardless, I have a feeling there is just some little thing that needs to be moved to a certain spot, or turned a certain way, or something that will put you in business. I sure hope you can figure it out before your eggs arrive. When we get to where we are pulling out hair out, even simple things can be overlooked, so just hang in there.

I decided a few weeks ago to get some speckled sussex eggs and hatch them. Never incubated before, so I ran out and got a Little Giant incubator and thought I'd be all set. Fired it up for a couple days before hand, never could get the temps right. When the eggs came in I got it close, put them in and then fought that thing day and night for about 15 days until I realized they were all dead. There is a big thread on it somewhere I made. I had all kinds of people helping me, bless their hearts, I sure appreciated them. Part way through the process I decided to buy another incubator and switch them over to it. I discovered the Reptipro 5000 and it looked like it would be great. So I ordered it. I waited and waited, a week passed and it never came. I called the company in Ky. and he said it was sent back to him. Evidently it never left his town! So there was another brick wall. I just got my money back. After my eggs all went bad I was torn between aggravation and relief! I was aggravated with what I had gone thru and failed, and I was relieved it was over and I didn't have to stay up nights fooling with the thing anymore.

Anyway, after all that I wanted to get a Rcom 20, but I can't afford one of those right now. So I decided to build my own. I was fortunate to have a little fridge to work with, and then my neighbor gave me another one. It has been a challenge, but I've enjoyed making them. I'm still tinkering a little bit, but I don't have eggs coming in the next couple of days! I wish I could give you the exact information you need. Whether every suggestion works for you or not, just remember we are pulling for you and want you to succeed.

Well, let us know what is going on.
Thanks for stopping in with the moral support. I appreciate it. I will conquer this thing! lol

Right now i turned the whole thing off. I think we need to drill the holes in the thermostat and hubby can't do it until tomorrow. I might just tackle it during the day tomorrow myself.

Tonight i just thought I would turn it off since i couldn't deal with it tonight. plus I'm fighting a supposed ear infection and I'm just not up to diagnosing its quirks.

Has anyone ever used a heating pad on low in the incubator? I wonder if that would keep it regulated? My worry is its something weird. I mean, I've tried most everything imaginable, including all the things that seem to work for everyone else. It seems to me if the thermostat is set to a certain temp, to keep that temp, it would kick on when the temp goes below it. I'm thinking the temp is not varying much near the lamp but half across the incubator it is.

Maybe in the morning, I will reset it all up, move the egg thermometer right next to the light. Has anyone had better experience with the light centered either in the bottom or in the top lid? Maybe I need to start all over...

I'm not giving up.
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My homemade incubator isn't regulating right either. Goes off a 99 comes on at 95 but humidity is 64. I had to put my 2 blue japanese silkie eggs in it this morning. I got up to check this morning and one of them was pipping. I couldn't leave them in that incubator because it has a turner in it. Now I am at work and boy am I nervous
I feel sick to my stomach because I can't be there to make sure the little fellow makes it out of the shell.
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Could my insulation or lack thereof be a problem? I had that padded silver stuff you use on pipes to keep them from freezing but maybe that's not enough insulation? I pulled it off anyway thinking it might not be helping... What if I lined the walls of the box with batting, like you use in a quilt? I have tons of that. Would that serve as an insulator? Just throwing out ideas here now... Gotta get this running.

would you like to try the styrofoam ice chest? (first time that i hv seen a plastic tub and insulation, no comment on whether holding the temp well). you can go to any supermarket. they're mostly kept at the top of the freezers. you'd probably find two sizes, i got the big one, 50 qts. you can re install the bulbs, fan and thermostat quite quickly.

at the bottom, i hve the 2-40 watt bulbs, on one side, the thermostat in between the 2 bulbs, about 2 1/2 inches away. the computer fan is directly across the bulbs, almost in line with the t-stat. the egg tray is fashioned from 1/2 pvc pipe frame and lined with 1/2" HWC and resting on the ridge inside the ice chest.

my temp variance is 1 degree , plus or minus. i also bore 3 holes in the t-stat

note - the only thing i have with hot water t-stat is the adjustment, but i swear it holds temps. i hv since switched to another t-stat, the repti 500r, only because the main unit is outside making adjustment fairly easy (while i was calibrating), and the sensor is on the egg tray or on top of the eggs right now.

just like what the others are saying, there are 2 main things - 1 - get the temp variance within acceptable range, 2 - set the desired temp. work at each one, each time.
a mason jar with small neck filled with water works two ways - as a heat sink and to provide the required humidity. small/big opening will lower/increase Hum as desired. (i hv 2 small mason jars, one closed, one open as heat sinks)
for higher humidity during lockdown, provide a alum baking tray (get from dollar stores) to be filled with water. the big surface is great for high hum levels.

the fact that the eggs are there with you now is stressing.
as long as they sit at fairly room temps and not more than 10 days old, they will remain viable.
better have your incubator working well before setting those eggs, than setting eggs soon with erratic numbers.
Another question. What if I got a dimmer switch, instead of using this thermostat thingie? Can't I dim/brighten the light until its at 99.5 degrees and it will stay at that constant? Or will it vary as well? I've been watching videos on making incubators and one used a dimmer. Didn't like she had a shut off thingie with a thermostat. Thinking I could take this thermostat back and get that... That think you?

Very excited to say I redesigned my incubator and now its going off at 101 and going on and 99.something (my digital does not have 1/2s). Hoping i can get it to within 1/2-1 degree variance only. My humidity is staying between 35-50% right now.

You can see the how to's and 'what I did' on my BYC Page (scroll to the bottom for the redo)

The only problem I see at the moment is which thermometers to trust. The two outer thermometers (when digital reads 99) read 98 and 95. The 95 one is over the fan. Then the light goes off (when digital is 101), the other thermometers read 100 and 97, respectively. (not shown in pic: digital thermometer probe lays horizontally across the middle, therefore, over the lamp directly.)


Should I adjust the temp up a bit?
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