
Hiding mostly. Hubby got in an accident with our van we only had for a few months, got swiped from back tire clear up past the front tire on the passenger side with a co worker in the car with him. Insurance is fighting over who is at fault, police say nobody even though the truck and jet boat switched lanes into him forcing him over the median. One of my garden beds got destroyed by the neighbor children and dogs(mine and a friends), my friends brought me some peppers though since out of 16 I only found 4, only 2 of which had leaves. Plus, now the rabbit hutch redo is stuck in limbo, got the floor replaced, waiting on my Dad to get back intown from work so he can show me how to use the saws so I can get the walls back on and get the bunny here. Since I now am driving my Dad's pickup my gas bill has doubled, just put brakes on the van 3 days before the accident($300) possibly need a whole new brake set up on the hubby's work car ($230). So everypenny I end up getting payed goes into the gas tank and covers the pets. So until the insurance companies figure out what is going to happen, we have no money for the rabbit hutch or garden.

So it has not been a good last week, not to mention the emotional wreck I have been since my hubby got a female partner for his night job. At least we got one issue solved, now just a few more problems to get fixed and life will hopefully go back to normal.
Hiding mostly. Hubby got in an accident with our van we only had for a few months, got swiped from back tire clear up past the front tire on the passenger side with a co worker in the car with him. Insurance is fighting over who is at fault, police say nobody even though the truck and jet boat switched lanes into him forcing him over the median. One of my garden beds got destroyed by the neighbor children and dogs(mine and a friends), my friends brought me some peppers though since out of 16 I only found 4, only 2 of which had leaves. Plus, now the rabbit hutch redo is stuck in limbo, got the floor replaced, waiting on my Dad to get back intown from work so he can show me how to use the saws so I can get the walls back on and get the bunny here. Since I now am driving my Dad's pickup my gas bill has doubled, just put brakes on the van 3 days before the accident($300) possibly need a whole new brake set up on the hubby's work car ($230). So everypenny I end up getting payed goes into the gas tank and covers the pets. So until the insurance companies figure out what is going to happen, we have no money for the rabbit hutch or garden.

So it has not been a good last week, not to mention the emotional wreck I have been since my hubby got a female partner for his night job. At least we got one issue solved, now just a few more problems to get fixed and life will hopefully go back to normal.

Hope things improve soon....we have been thinking about rabbits. It will be much later this year/early next since we are adding ducks soon. There is only so much one woman can build! Sending good thoughts your way,
Bummer! :(   Hope things improve soon....we have been thinking about rabbits. It will be much later this year/early next since we are adding ducks soon. There is only so much one woman can build!  Sending good thoughts your way, :hugs

She is a disabled bunny, the breeder felt bad killing her due to her awesome temperment and markings. So she gave her to my friend that does rescues of multiple kinds of animals, I am trying to help by removing a mouth from her food bill. So rather than buying/getting a baby bunny I will only do retired or disabled, in her case, rescue rabbit. I was really hoping to get it done before my sister and her family come out, in 2 weeks. But I am not going to spend money I need elsewhere, when she is happy, fed and safe where she is. My friend supplied the hutch, said she would supply food if I needed for awhile( until I get my finances under control). Got the hutch from her because she had too many after down sizing her rabbit herd, and fell in love with the bunny while cleaning the house. I don't believe in getting an animal from somebody if I can't afford to feed it, so I told her to give me time to get the hutch done the way I want it, get money saved up to buy the food storage containers and figure out everything else, then I will bring Missy Foo Foo home. So now I have a place where animals are allowed and welcomed, got the hutch here and gutted, now to just get it "planted" on the patio and I will be ready for more construction on it.:bun
Raech, sorry for you trouble. Being here in TX I am nervous driving. We've rented a car and I've pretty much can get around but other drivers make me crzy. We plan a trip down the 45 to Galveston.

For all I've been looking at ads in a 1973 issue of ME and here's some interesting prices.

A large water canner for $6.10.

A 7 quart pressure canner for $41.00 .

Ads for hand wash boards. $1.35 - $3.25

Heres a trivia question.

What do you think the "Big Stinky" is.

A. A pattern for building an outhouse.

B. A special type of fly trap.

C. A uniquely designed Smoker for meat.

D. A photo of yours truly.

Any guesses?
Raech, sorry for you trouble. Being here in TX I am nervous driving. We've rented a car and I've pretty much can get around  but other drivers make me crzy. We plan a trip down the 45 to Galveston. 

For all I've been looking at ads in a 1973 issue of ME and here's some interesting prices. 

A large water canner for $6.10.

A 7 quart pressure canner for $41.00 .

Ads for hand wash boards. $1.35 - $3.25

Heres a trivia question. 

What do you think the "Big Stinky" is.

A. A pattern for building an outhouse.

B. A special type of fly trap. 

C. A uniquely designed Smoker for meat.

D. A photo of yours truly.

Any guesses?

I vote C, meat smoker. But A would make sense too.

Im not scared to drive, hubby is a little leery but he drives a big box truck for work. I was raised that a blinker means I am coming over, not asking for permission lol. Didnt help any that I almost got swiped again in the pickup by a car that took the corner too fast on the bridge with Hubby in the passenger seat.


So this is my latest project, the retirement Bunny Hut. First picture is the doors and vent framing, not done yet, but getting closer. Please excuse the mess, we were working around kids and the puppy. Second picture is of the "nest box" with the back wall off. Need to buy hinges and window screen and it will be ready for its first resident since remodel. It is no longer a double breeding hutch, now it is a hutch for the unbreedables and retired breeders. Working on a ramp set up so she can get down to the patio safely, the metal bar is my lawn mower, so it isn't a short hutch by any means. Then it is onto the patio garden!!!

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