****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Morrigan crouched a bit away from the bush, her muzzle lowered as she watched the rabbits through narrowed eyes. Her muscles tensed, careful not to move too many leaves with her tail. She had her eyes set on a single rabbit, a rather large buck that didn't seem like he would be able to move that fast. Without a whisper of warning, she sprung, clearing the bush in a single bound. Rabbits scattered each way as she landed, surprisingly graceful for her size, some smart enough to run towards their warren and other stupid enough to flee towards Emira and the surrounding area. She pounced, grabbing the giant buck rabbit by the scruff and slamming it down, stilling it with a massive paw as she snapped its neck with her jaws.
Emira immediately sprung out when Morrigan sent the rabbits scattering, the tiny helpless animals fled for cover and out of sight. Luckily, some ran in her general direction and she was able to snatch one into her jaws. Breaking its neck quickly, she moved onto another that tried fleeing into a hole. She was able to restrain it and make the killing blow.
Name: Wepwawet
Gender: Male
Pack: Toyota Coyote Pack
Rank: Upper Mid Ranker
Mate: None... yet
Personality: The literal definition of depression. He feels like he can do no right in anyone's eyes and that he doesn't deserve anything. Overly sensitive.
Physical description: He is a blue merle split faced coyote with one emerald green eye and one crystal blue eye, a little larger than the average coyote, is very slender, bones show.
Other: Sometimes he is happy but it is very rare, doesn't do well with negative interactive with others
Emira immediately sprung out when Morrigan sent the rabbits scattering, the tiny helpless animals fled for cover and out of sight. Luckily, some ran in her general direction and she was able to snatch one into her jaws. Breaking its neck quickly, she moved onto another that tried fleeing into a hole. She was able to restrain it and make the killing blow.
Morrigan abandoned her kill, pouncing on a straggler with her paws. It nearly slipped away, tufts of fur scattering and it let out an ear-piercing screech, but she snapped her maw closed around the rabbits neck. She straightened up, watching a few last tails sprint down into their tunnels before looking at Emira with a grin. "I'd say that was a good catch."
Wepwawet yawned and stretched half heartedly. He was new to the pack and didn't know anyone other than Fenrir. He made his way to the lake for a drink, everything about him seamed to sag. He had a sad look in his eyes as he made his way to the water.

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