****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

(Who is Blossom?)
Clover avoided eye contact with cyrstal. "When I was a pup, I lived in a very strict pack and every night, my parents would sneak out into the woods and one night the had me come with them. We walked to a big cave that had grunting coming from inside. I was only about two months old. My parents told me to follow them into the cave so I did. Inside the cave there was two huge Grizzlies and 3 Cubs. Then my parents started talking to the bears in the bears language, they introduced me to Blossom and her brothers. Then every night me and my parents would sneak out together and I even learned how to speak bear. But then one night the alphas followed us into the woods. They found us with the bears and killed my parents and the bears but me and Blossom escaped and lived in a tiny cave for a year. Then Blossom went hunting one day and this pack came and found me and took me in, gave me a cave. But I didn't see Blossom again until I found her in the meat pile today." Clover buried her face in her paws.
After checking on Orchid and the cubs, satisfied that no one had discovered the cubs, she checked up on her cousins, who were sleeping peacefully in her den, their tiny bodies rising and falling as they breathed softly. Amber smiled at them, tender warmth for the little ones wreathing her face. She lay a large piece of meat she'd snuck from the food pile for them to eat once they awoke. Then she silently slipped out of the den, her paws making soft impressions in the forest soil as she made her way to the trees
After checking on Orchid and the cubs, satisfied that no one had discovered the cubs, she checked up on her cousins, who were sleeping peacefully in her den, their tiny bodies rising and falling as they breathed softly. Amber smiled at them, tender warmth for the little ones wreathing her face. She lay a large piece of meat she'd snuck from the food pile for them to eat once they awoke. Then she silently slipped out of the den, her paws making soft impressions in the forest soil as she made her way to the trees
Hey @Starburst, do the cute cubs have names?"

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