Thanks LAM. I was going to wait till spring and didn't really expect anyone to have any available but thought ...what the heck...doesn't hurt to ask. It was just by chance in talking to Frank about shipping the OEG pullet that I mentioned looking for a cornish and darned if he didn't have them too! Nope...never hurts to ask.

Adam and Christine's website states they have nothing availble at this time. But I asked anyway...and they did. They have a nice website and looks like they have some very nice birds.
Wow...this must have been a busy week for everyone! Or maybe folks have just been trying to stay warm...
No postings for a week??? I'm officially sick and tired of winter now!
I have been bundling up to work out in the garage on my banty coop's run ; numb hands sure make for slow work though. The girls hang out in there to keep me company, not to avoid the snow
, and not because I throw straw down for them to peck around in...lol.

Last summer anything I wanted done outside had to be done by 10am, because it was pointless to even try afterward. My garden suffered horribly. This winter anything I want done outside has to be done between noon and 4:00...sometimes 2-4 if it's a really cold day. Given the choice, I'll still take the heat I suppose
I hate shoveling snow, and everything just looks so ugly outside right now.

ETA: Plus I'm really tired of hat hair...lol.
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Hello fellow Hoosiers. It sure has been a cold one. I have been busy as a bee (pardon the terrible pun) building a hive and frames. That is right, I am getting honeybees. I attended a class in Indy that was WONDERFUL. There were also several satellite sites around the northern part of the state.

The class walks you through management of the hive throughout the year, helps you get started putting your hive together and most importantly, provides mentoring for new beeks. Rob Greene does a fabulous job heading this up. The state apairy inspector, Kathleen Prough, was there. She even helped me put my frames together.

If you are interested in beekeeping check it out: www.indianabeekeepingschool.com.

teach1rusl- I think hubby and I have found a place with 2.5 acres in Floyd Co. Keep your fingers crossed that it all comes together!
Oh that reminds me. I have 3 hive bodies I got 2 years ago that I STILL have to scrape, repair and repaint. But I couldn't pass them up. Three complete hives with the frames for $25.00???? I haven't had bees in a few years so I'm thinking I need to get busy.

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