mick&cori :

So, we researched hatcheries around here - and I found one in Southern Indiana (bloomington) and called The Snoozin' Goose Ranch. Seth, the owner, had baby turkeys, guineas, pigeons, quails, ducks, geese, and even phesants (and a few others probably). I just got 5 baby turkeys (3 are mottled black, 1 is cream colored with gray speckles, and 1 white with black tips on its wings - not sure of the exact breeds) and 5 baby guineas (one is light gray/silver/purple, one is dark gray/silver/purple (pearls?), the other 3 are brown and black. THANKS SETH!!

This person of which you speak sounds like an unbelievably wonderful individual. *cough cough*


Welcome to BYC...glad everybody is doing okay, aside from a little unrest among the natives with introduction.....​
Hi Seth!!

You're right! You are a wonderful individual - with wonderful birds!!!

I'm so glad I found this place. I have a million +1 questions (which I'm sure you remember how many I asked you), and I'm so thankful to have so many helpful, more experienced people available. It's amazing how informative everyone is, and I appreciate his/her willingness to share that information and experiences.

I'm so in love with the little guys I bought from you.

The turkeys just melt my heart!! If my daughter or I pick any of them up, they just curl up and go to sleep in our hand. The little yellow one with gray spots chirps in his sleep. It makes me smile.

The guineas are just adorable! They aren't very fond of us picking them up, but they certainly like all the food, water, and company.

They are getting so big so fast. We are actually building a wall this weekend in our larger coop so they can have some more space. The wall will only separate them from the "teenagers" by chicken wire, but I think it will be a good opportunity for everyone to get to know each other - without blood shed!

Thanks again, Seth! I'm sure I will be making another trip to your ranch at some point of time. Maybe it will just be to hang out with the chickens and turkeys
~or to buy some more babies
(my daughter is certain we need quails now
Is there anyone that has and B/B/S Silklie hens for sale? I have a lonely splash rooster due to predators, and would like to get him a playmate or two. I would like some nicer looking hens. If you have some adult hens for sale, please let me know! Thanks.
Here is your new teaser for the

Chicken People Meet & Greet Bonfire/Campout
Weekend of August 20th

Hi Everyone!
I'm Denise of Paradise Found! I live a few miles outside of Hoosier country near Joliet, Il. I'm just off of I-80 by the Chicagoland Speedway. We have a lovey 14 acre farm and raise Wheaten Ameraucanas.

This August 20th, there will be a chicken people meet and greet at my farm. All Chicken people are welcomed. There will be camping and a bonfire. There is an indoor toilet. There is 1 guest room not yet spoken for and I'd like to reserve that for some one of us who is unable for health reasons to camp out but wants to come. First able bodied person who wants that room can have it but must agree to give it up for some one truely in need if nesc. In case of inclement weather, we can move the whole thing ( except the bonfire) indoors as the farm is ready for such occasions. Indoors we can comfortably accomondate 60 people in the same room.

A dish to pass.
Your favorite beverages.
Bug spray
Yard chair
Friendly Dog(s)
Other Chicken People
and a couple of laughs to share
You Know, , , the usual

Just throw a chicken under your arm and join us!

This is the "campground"


Who can make it????
Hello Hoosiers. I have two Roosters to give away if anyone want's them. I'm around the Crawfordsville area. I do not know what breed they are but if interested I can email pics. I just have too many roos.
Hi all

We just moved here to IN from Southern California in feb. Why would we do that you might wonder? So my husband can help his 87 y.o. father farm on the family farm (c.1880's)

We grow soybeans, corn & wheat.

I had to sell all my flocks when we left California Chickens, Turkeys & Ducks. That was hard as well as finding homes for our pig, goats and leaving our old retired horse at our friends ranch.

As you can see I have made up for lost time with my new flock/flocks my DH say's I am already at my limit. Is there a limit. ?? What limit ??

We are new to keeping animals in a cold climate and it has been great here reading everyone's experiences. DH is in the process of building the babies a "winter" coop as all we really have now are some lightweight coops I used for raising everyone, they will make great breeder/raising coops in Spring/Summer but for Winter we need something warmer.

In the Spring I hope to add Turkeys, quail & meaties!!!!

Hello from near Ridgeville, In (near Winchester)


Well Rachael, I welcome you to the great midwest and pity you are going to experience our winters here. They are not bad if you've grown up with them but as a newcomer?

We are having a chicken people meet here on my farm on August 20th ( see previous posts or tag in my signature line) and you are you DH are welcomed to come out. My DH would love to have more confirmed men comming along. He is a carpenter at heart and can build anything. Hee has built a great coop for us which is winter and summer comfortable for our flock. Perhaps your DH and my DH could "talk shop" in the mancave? I'm sure he could get some good ideas from mine even though yours grew up around here.

Either way, welcome! I hope you can come!
I also came here from southern California about 20 yrs ago and it was quite a culture shock. I'm still not used to the cold weather and also not used to having to drive so far to get to anywhere. I lived in the suburbs there (Riverside) and had every kind of store within a couple of miles. Out here we have to drive 20 miles before we hit a town (one with any stores, anyway).
Welcome, CrazyPetLady!
Add goats and dogs and your place sounds very similar to mine!
I'll be interested to know how your Polish project turns out. I have a cockerel about 3 months old that I was told looks to be cuckoo. I had bred a blue with WC black to try to improve the blue color, and he is a result of that cross. Of course, his color may change as he matures.
In addition to PFF's gathering on the 20th, which sounds absolutely wonderful and I wish I could go, Indiana Chickenstock is scheduled for September 10 near Mooresville. The gatherings and shows are great places to meet other bird-brained folks like us.
Since you have parrots, you might be interested (or already know about) the CICBC bird fair at the Marion County fairgrounds on the 14th.
Hope to run into you at some of the events!

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