http://www.ci.valparaiso.in.us/ http://www.ci.valparaiso.in.us/Directory.aspx?did=19 I'd call and ask if they can advise you on it.

I'm on just under 7 acres next to the new high school and we had horses previously. Chickens just had to be 80 ft from any neighbor's dwelling. Not a problem obviously!

I actually got my girls from someone on this board who lives nearby. I didn't want to mess with chicks (and hubby said absolutely not!). I know TSC has chicks in the spring. I don't know if Jake's does, but they'd probably have resources if you give them a call and ask.
Hello neighbor! We are east of Rt49 on acre an a half and have 5 chickens. No ordinance issues here. I bought from folks on here. Picked some up...had some shipped. I prefer to get them as pullets so I know what I'm getting. No roos.
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Wow! My sister lives on Union St right across from the High School, with the little grey barn and the pond. No chickies tho, just kitties.
Wow! My sister lives on Union St right across from the High School, with the little grey barn and the pond. No chickies tho, just kitties.

LOL, we're just on the other side, on South Hobart Rd! The football field backs up to our neighbor's field.
Does the feed store in Hobart not sell chicks anymore? I used to work at the grain elevator out here and when I did, we always ordered our chicks from there. Now they order from Ideal but I wasn't sure why they switched.

eta: when we ordered they were called Hobart Hatchery but from what I understood, they were also a feed store. They just had the hatchery too. I think.
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Wow! My sister lives on Union St right across from the High School, with the little grey barn and the pond. No chickies tho, just kitties.

LOL, we're just on the other side, on South Hobart Rd! The football field backs up to our neighbor's field.

We grew up in Hobart. Moved to Valpo 7 years ago. My daughter, SIL, and grandkids live there too. My older sister lives in an apartment downtown. We are always running in to Hobart. Going today to pick up our grandaughter to come spend the weekend.

My sister, Dara, works at Joann Martin school. If your son goes to school there, you may have met her.
It's is Karps Feed Store. He does have chicks in the spring, but I didn't look because I needed older ones. I used to get my horse feed from there. He also has a rabbitry.

How funny, we go to Valpo quite a bit
My son is 2 1/2, so not yet, but he has been there to play on the playground
Hello neighbor! We are east of Rt49 on acre an a half and have 5 chickens. No ordinance issues here. I bought from folks on here. Picked some up...had some shipped. I prefer to get them as pullets so I know what I'm getting. No roos.

What a small world! I'm W of 49 off Division
I read the city ordinances and everything referred to 'the city' but I'm not in 'the city' limits so I guess we're good! Do you have a regular coop or a chicken tractor? My husband just drew up plans for our tractor but we're still nervous about winter. I think we're going to get chicks in Feb (how will I wait that long???!!
) so we won't have to worry about winter this year.

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