Hello neighbor! We are east of Rt49 on acre an a half and have 5 chickens. No ordinance issues here. I bought from folks on here. Picked some up...had some shipped. I prefer to get them as pullets so I know what I'm getting. No roos.

What a small world! I'm W of 49 off Division
I read the city ordinances and everything referred to 'the city' but I'm not in 'the city' limits so I guess we're good! Do you have a regular coop or a chicken tractor? My husband just drew up plans for our tractor but we're still nervous about winter. I think we're going to get chicks in Feb (how will I wait that long???!!
) so we won't have to worry about winter this year.

Our 'BirdHouse' as I call it (because we also have 2 pigeons living with our hens), is a re-furbished playhouse. Some pics are on MY PAGE. We got it for free but added insulation, electric, fenced enclosure, and new roofing. We wrap the enclosure in clear pvc tarp for the winter. I'm very happy with it -thanks to DH!

You will probably change your coop 'plans' several times. Everyone does.
And you have all winter to design it...change it...design it...change it!
This is miserable. The chickens won't go outside. I went out in the wee hours of the morning to water the rabbits (who were happily running around in the snow and doing binkies) and couldn't find one of their water bowls. ugh. I had to use a ceramic one which I normally don't do in the winter. And to top it off the latch froze shut so I had to fiddle with that on the way in AND out. The bunnies and dog love this stuff. The chickens, cat and I hate it.
Yepper...it's cold alright! It was 15* at 6:30 thismorning and was still snowin and blowin! Checked on the girls and they were fine...no frozen water. Heated dog water bowl workin good! Gave the girls some freeze dried mealworm treats and some goldfish pellets. Told me to close the door on my way out...not goin out today!

Pretty freaky weekend last weekend. That train wreck was right down the road from us...like about 400 ft! I missed seeing it by 10 minutes. Just finished cleaning and messing around with the girls and doing doggie poop parol and had just jumped in the shower then....BOOOOMMM!!!! I froze! So after I unfroze, I listened for the dogs...no barking? So man did I hurry up get out, dry off, dry hair, grab my clothes and fly out the door to see....tangled train cars and tons of black smoke! By evening our road was blocked by fire engines, police, and a long line of flatbed semis loaded with heavy equipment...bulldozers, cranes, and HUGE lights! Lit up that whole wreckage area like a football stadium! It... was... creepy!
I saw that one the news. I haven't heard anything else about it, but my uncle was a freight train engineer and he said someone probably fell asleep. Scary when you think of someone asleep at the wheel of a freight train!
I'm glad to hear my birds weren't alone in wanting to stay inside today. They were inside when I went to do my a.m. chicken chores and inside when I got home from work at 3 PM. I took warm oatmeal out to them this morning, and had to call and call to get my older girls out for it. They gobbled down a couple of bites and headed back inside. I didn't even bother with opening up the run...figured the coop was the best place for them today anyhow. I did open it up after work, but they only came out because I had the treat jar - they followed me to the garage and are hanging out in there now.
It surprises me that my two silkies appear to be the least affected by the cold. This is their first winter - I figured silkies would be wimpy, but they've sure proven me wrong. The others are standing around all huddled looking with their necks tucked and I can feel them shivering when I pick them up - but the silkies are running here and there and everywhere...
Our chickens don't like any of this cold! We don't even open up the coop because they'd rather just avoid the cold temps. Our ducks, on the other hand, would love to be out in it. But, living in the country with little to block the wind and blowing snow, we are tormenting them by allowing them to stay in the coop. I'm thinking our rabbit, who keeps company with the chickens, would probably love to be outside. I love the idea of warm oatmeal! My son takes care of them and I might just make up a batch for him to give to them. Although he complains if I send out anything that gets on their feet and makes a mess.
on him (just kidding).
Ours finally went outside and were scratching around. I hate to admit this but I haven't stepped foot outside today. DH has been gathering eggs throughout the day and he filled their feeder and checked their water today. I'm pretty spoiled. :D

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