Hoping for Christmas day hatch...

Awwwwww... I would love to see cute little ducklings on Christmas morning... make sure to post pics...

Everyone should post pics of their Christmas morning hatchlings...


Edited due to fingers going faster than brain...
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Good luck!!! Mine won't quite make it to Christmas.
LOL! I love it!

I too should have babies Christmas or Christmas Eve if I can keep things together till then. Incubator doesn't seem to be holding the temp real steady like I'd like it to.
OK guess what? Looked up where my eggs were from.

My hatch is Showgirl Silkies from drmeyes236!

Looks like lots of Christmas Silkies being hatched.
Can we join? We're doing a Christmas Day hatch with Seramas (which may not make it past Christmas Eve) and 9 blue-laced red Wyandottes. We figure it gives us a good reason to leave the big family gathering if it gets stressful!
gosh, is it ok if my chicks are just mutts...most of them? LOL! IF they hatch! I'm going to feel bad for my six year old daughter if nothing hatches! They've only been going so many days and she's been checking for baby chicks she tells me. Poor child! I'll have Chanteclers and mixes with those roosters on various layer hens. No silkies for me.
Everyone can join.... doesn't matter what you are hatching... just that you are hatching...

I have been real good staying away from the bator. My son (15) turns the eggs for me (since my automatic turner is on the fritz... but then again, my son seems to be doing it automatically...). I glance at them from time to time, check the temps and add water. Trying to keep them off my mind till I can candle them for the first time and actually see something going on.

I can't wait to hear the peep peeps of little beaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a family gathering an hour away on Christmas Eve... I will be INSANE that entire day. Was thinking I could maybe take them with me somehow... I do have a socket in the back of my CRV... and perhaps I could get an adaptor to plug the bator into so that it would run in the back of the car... the eggs would get rolled around though... hmmmmmm... what to do... what to do.

Unfortunately missing Christmas Eve with my parents if really not an option... hmmmmm... we usually have it at my house and this year she is so excited about having it at her house. Perhaps I could just sneak one in my bra and take it with me?????

Oh well... must focus on work.


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