Horizontal nipple waterer

A 55 gallon barrel would keep a lower temp than the smaller ones if kept full.  I haven't gone to that size just because I know our well water is high in coliforms and that much water sitting around worries me.

Drop in a UV sterilizer, it will keep the coliforms, algae at bay... Put a float valve on the barrel and you have unattended filling from a hose...

Not brand recommendation just examples...

Drop in a UV sterilizer, it will keep the coliforms, algae at bay... Put a float valve on the barrel and you have unattended filling from a hose...
I hadn't thought of the UV sterilizer, that's a great idea! I'm going to be rethinking this coming summer watering, thanks!

Heh, the only automation I won't do is water..... In fact, if you hadn't mentioned it, I probably wouldn't have remembered the hose I left on this PM while filling waterers! That would have resulted in several irritated neighbors tomorrow morning, wondering why the well wasn't working (from me dropping the tank to nothing overnight).
All this talk of big capacity waterers and all. Well at the other end of that spectrum is this... we have under our roosts a "poop board" with PDZ on it, well below that we have our brooding/young chick "chicken jail" as we refer to it, its a pain to get into and freshen the small waterers that contantly get pine shavings, and other stuff in them, SO i took it apon myself to make this



A one nipple waterer made from a peanut butter jar! The chicks to to it IMMEDIATELY i have a great vid of it but cant figure out how to get it here !
All this talk of big capacity waterers and all. Well at the other end of that spectrum is this... we have under our roosts a "poop board" with PDZ on it, well below that we have our brooding/young chick "chicken jail" as we refer to it, its a pain to get into and freshen the small waterers that contantly get pine shavings, and other stuff in them, SO i took it apon myself to make this
LOL This reminds me of the time my wife walked into the house and declared "I've got more chicks!".

I scrambled around and was able to come up with everything but a waterer. Chicks went into the box, and much to my wife's surprise, a waterer had popped up!

Two horizontal nipples into the front of a Gorden's Vodka Bottle, blue label, half gallon. Every time we refilled that thing, it was a good laugh......
this is totally what i'm planning to do for our hatching eggs, if they survive to hatch. Maybe not a peanut butter jar, but a nipple on a small container so it can't get slimed up! love it!!
How many chickens per nipple?  I have 11 hens and 1 rooster, 12 weeks old now,  so am wondering how many nipple outlets I need for them.

There are all sorts of recommendations, I have seen all sorts of numbers tossed up, most on the side of error... Also consider your climate, very hot climates require the birds to drink more while they will drink less in mild climates..

You could probably get by with 2 but you can also go more...

I personally have 9 nipples on my 55 gallon barrel and with 100ish birds there is never a line to get water... So that is basically about 11 birds per nipple, that works for me but it might not work for all...
Solway Feeders recommends 1 nipple to 8 birds, we have 4 nipples to 27 RIRs and they're more than happy. I would always add a nipple or two extra just in case one breaks or stops working.

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