Horizontal nipple waterer


6 Years
May 24, 2013
I decided to make a nipple waterer for my chicken coop it's super easy and works fantastic...

I used a 3 gallon pickle bucket, our grocery store in town throws them out so I got 5 for free

The nipples I got from eBay 10 for 20 bucks

All you do is mark out the bucket, I used a square to measure up from the bottom of the bucket to make sure they are all at the same height

I used a 3/8 drill bit to drill the holes, go slow so you don't make the holes too big


The nipples thread in to the holes pretty tight, needed pliers to get them flush. I calked them on the inside after just to make sure they don't leak


Last step is drill a small hole in the lid so it doesn't air lock and that's it all done


Within 10 minutes of putting it in the coop the birds had it figured out, when I first put in i held down one of the nipples so they could see the water dripping out that was all it took they understood

I only have to water them once every 5 or 6 days now and they always have clean water

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The bird bath heater is all they need. I live in Wisconsin and the waterer works fine all winter.

One year, I wrapped it with an old soft side cooler. That probably reduced electricity a bit. This year, I just left it naked and it worked fine.

All this talk of big capacity waterers and all. Well at the other end of that spectrum is this... we have under our roosts a "poop board" with PDZ on it, well below that we have our brooding/young chick "chicken jail" as we refer to it, its a pain to get into and freshen the small waterers that contantly get pine shavings, and other stuff in them, SO i took it apon myself to make this



A one nipple waterer made from a peanut butter jar! The chicks to to it IMMEDIATELY i have a great vid of it but cant figure out how to get it here !
Yes they can get all the water they need even when its hot. What I really like is the fact that with the addition of a low wattage bird bath heater in the winter they can get all the water they need in the winter too. When I'm making a new bucket I drill my holes about 3-4 inches from the bottom so that when I add the heater in the winter the heat source is bellow the nipples. This makes the water around the nipple warm water This so far has kept the nipples from freezing. down to single digit temps.
I try to keep the bucket in the shade to keep the water cooler and use dark colored buckets that won't let sun light in to grow algae.
LOL This reminds me of the time my wife walked into the house and declared "I've got more chicks!".

I scrambled around and was able to come up with everything but a waterer. Chicks went into the box, and much to my wife's surprise, a waterer had popped up!

Two horizontal nipples into the front of a Gorden's Vodka Bottle, blue label, half gallon. Every time we refilled that thing, it was a good laugh......
Awesome! I'm always happy to see people using these for their birds. My birds really like this type of drinker and I like not dealing with messy waterers anymore.
Awesome! I'm always happy to see people using these for their birds. My birds really like this type of drinker and I like not dealing with messy waterers anymore.
It's impossible for them to spill it or soil it I made another one for my turkeys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi, I'm new to chickens and am getting my coop and run ready. I am also using the chicken nipples for watering but am using a PVC PIPE setup that allows me to add water without entering the coop when needed. These nipple will be on the bottom and in line on 3" pipe. My question would be is what is the best height of the floor to the nipples for chickens to access them. My chickens are Rhode Island reds. Thanks
Hi, I'm new to chickens and am getting my coop and run ready. I am also using the chicken nipples for watering but am using a PVC PIPE setup that allows me to add water without entering the coop when needed. These nipple will be on the bottom and in line on 3" pipe. My question would be is what is the best height of the floor to the nipples for chickens to access them. My chickens are Rhode Island reds. Thanks

Sounds like you are thinking vertical nipples. If you haven't already bought them horizontal nipples don't leak. Here is a link consider these. If you have them already they need to be set so the birds have to stretch up to peck them.


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