Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

That is another thing! They really just make them to exploit nudity. Again most of it has nothing to add to the story just for the sake of getting people to see it for the fact that there is eye candy in there. Pretty much the 70's exploitation movement in horror films have sadly become the mold of modern horror films.
Haven't seen House of Wax for the fact that Paris is in it. I just can't stand her. I rather see the old Vincent Price edition. Heck House on a Haunted Hill remake made me take my copy of the orginal out and watch it to cleanse the remake from my mind. The old versions weren't scary for me but at least they were entertaining and fun to watch.
the very first jasons friday the 13th SCARED THE POOP outa me especially that ending!!!OMG I PRACTICALLY HAD A HEAT ATTACK!!!i thought it was over and WRAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
That series grew old fast for me. Most of the scary movies claimed as scary when I saw them I was like..... ummmm..... yeah..... trying to think of something... scary about it... The Omen actually put me to sleep. The Excorcist just disgusted me.
Yeah the old horror movies had meaning, it had a plot you could follow, entertainment, maybe not very scary but had a meaning!

Exactly! Now they throw so many twists and turns and to be honest most of those new "twists and turns" are borrowed... so over borrowed they are predictable! And then there are the surprises that destroy the most interesting points of the movie! I like M. Night but... for those who saw The Village know what I'm talking about, The twist at the end was anti-climatic and really ruined the movie for me.​

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