Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

LOL! Sleep tight don't let the Leatherface bite!

I don't honestly really like the films that try to claim they are based on a true event and when in reality the truth it is a combination of events or just total fabrication.

Just don't think of FREDDY ..... O NO I just DID......
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The truth on the Amityville Horror is a bit of debate though now some involved with the Lutz family now are coming forth saying the whole thing was a hoax to gain fame and fortune. Also there is a huge list of inconsistencies with their story and police and local records. I'm on the side of the whole thing was fake since the Warrens who investigated are involved in hoaxes before and after AH.
I was really suprised by Dead Birds. Its kinda weird, but has definite creep factor.
I am the only one in my family that loves horror movies,
I am made to feel like a freak for indulging in watching them and I have to catch them when no one else is around, so I have probably missed some really good ones in the past few years. I liked "The Messengers" as well, but that was because of John Corbett, even playing a bad guy he's pretty hot.

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