Horse mats for floor of coop?


12 Years
Apr 19, 2012
NW Vermont
The floor of the stall I am converting to a chicken coop is rubber horse mat over sand. This seemed a terrific system to keep, easy cleaning and all. However a friend thinks I should take the mats up because the chicken manure will ruin them. Does anyone know if this is true? Seems like if a 1400 pound horse can poop and pee gallons on these mats, a few chickens is nothing.

I have horse mats in my coop and they seem to be doing good.I do however have pine shavings on the mats and that helps to absorb the moisture and poop.I find it does a great job,easy to clean and also helps to insulate my floor some.I do the deep liter method.
I have horse mats in my duck barn, i too use shavings over top just like i do with the horses... how exactly is it suppose to ruin them lol those things are brutes.
Deep litter is also my plan. The girls shouldn't even get down to the mats with their pecking and scratching. Sounds like I'm all set, just need to find a source for bulk pine shavings. Those pre-packaged ones must get expensive. Kind of like starter crumbles. 5# bag for $3.19, 25# bag for $7.74.

I buy my shavings at TSC.I think they are about $4-5.00 for a bag,but it goes a fairly long way and once you get it established it doesn't take much to keep it top.The chickens will scratch and peck,but I have seen no damage done to my mats.The only thing that may happen is mild scratch marks on the mats.Mine are made heavy duty and I can't see where they have damaged them.
I buy my shavings at TSC.I think they are about $4-5.00 for a bag,but it goes a fairly long way and once you get it established it doesn't take much to keep it top.

Which shavings? The Flake Premium or the Fine Premium? The TSC site doesn't give any info about the expected use of each.

edit: Hmmm, looked at the reviews. Apparently TSC changed their flake shavings close to 2 years ago. Only very negative reviews since. Only 3 people reviewed the fine shavings - 1 negative, 1 neutral, 1 mostly positive except for price/volume.

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I use to use TSC fine shavings but just switched to Shoppers supply fine flake instead because it was softer and easier to sift in horse stalls.

Oh and my husband LOVES horse mats! He would cover our entire shop with them of her could. I didn't think of putting them in the coop but I think it would be a good idea. I'm building my coop now and was just going to put some leftover laminate tiles we have on the floor but I think the horse mat would insulate it better!
I have horse mats in my coop and use fine shavings. the finer shavings allow me to use a cat litter scoop to get the over-night poop out. I use the bigger flakes in the run were I use the deep litter method and don't pick out the poop. Those bags are compression packed and they last much longer than you would think. Of course I only have 3 little hens.

I also use horse mats in the back floor of my truck (I have a tacoma extended cab) for my dog. When I take her to the park, she gets filthy and wet from swimming in the lakes. I can just hose her and the mat off when we get home. I love that stuff.
If you are worrying about hurting the rubber mat, you can always fit a piece of canvas tarp to the size of the stall. When you want to clean the stall, simply roll up the tarp and take it to a place where you can unroll it and spread the contents. Or you can use the tarp as a funnel to place debris on your compost heap.

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