Horse Owner Bragg


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
Owner's bragg!

So I struggled with a round bale of hay this morning to get it out of the very back of the barn and out into the pasture and then into the hay shelter for the horses to munch on while we're on the mountains. After 20-30 minutes struggling with that, I got it accomplished and then went to lunch. Upon coming home both horses were munching on the hay, but Blackjack had his head ontop the barrel looking over it, in what seemed a strange position, but whatever.

A few minutes later he's still in the same position, I realize what the little booger has done. The hay shelter is a 6'X10' pole barn in the middle of the pasture, designed to enclose two round bales of hay, keeping the animals from trampling(and relieving themselves) in the hay, and keeping the hay out of the rain. Well, little fat Blackjack had squeezed himself(and I mean SQUEEZED) into the shelter, past the hay bale and into the back of the shelter. A 90 degree turn forward with no room to manuever or turn around. For those with experience with horses, KNOW they tend to panic in tight spaces, being naturall claustrophobic. I sigh and walk closer to evaluate the situation, I chase the older more dominant horse away(probably why Blackjack FORCED himself into such a tight spot). Visions of panicked horse and a broken hay shelter are going through my head, I imagine like most horses would, he would panick and try to charge through the shelters boards to escape.

A little background info on Blackjack. He was a rescue case, I got him when he was almost 2 years old and he was completely emaciated and NEVER had ANY hands on him. So basically an emaciated wild 2 year old stallion. He wouldn't let people get within 15 feet of him. So after a few days of getting him accustomed to being fed, we started a practice to where we would stand over the buckets and eventually, they had to eat from the bucket we were holding or they wouldn't get dinner. It worked and we were able to get a halter on to him. It went slowly from there, but after 2 years he is now a 4 year old stallion who loads, picks up his feet, grooms, bathes, and saddles. I'm waiting on gelding to begin actual riding. He is a foundation bred black quarter horse, who could be registered, but I'm gelding him and not about to pay $1000 to get papers on him I'll never use. He even has Man O War in his bloodline, isn't that cool?

Okay, so a 4 year old ground trained only stallion wedged in a hay shelter, his only SAFE escape is a 90 degree turn backwards and a tight SQUEEZE BACKWARDS to get out. Not halter, no rope. I go to his shoulder and tell him "back", he starts to wig out, but he does it and has now made the corner. Now for the tight squeeze(he has a HUGE grassbelly(broodmare about to give birth HUGE)), I figured at this point he is going to "try" and jump out forward or will listen and back. So I tell him back again and he backs until he feels the squeeze and starts forward again, so I say a little louder "back!" and he does it. Wedges himself out backwards. Gets out into the opening and stops and looks around sheepishly and then walks away to graze.

THAT is my kind of horse. I love my level headed, no worries quarter horse. This is the same horse, that was taught to load with just a scoop of oats and zero hesitation.
I was beaming with pride and had to share...
What a good boy! That was one of those situations that could have gone bad real quick. He must have a lot of trust in you. He has come a long way already! Good for both of you!
I like this comment. It is all too true!

I'm glad everything ended up ok! I would hope any of my horses would do the same, but I know I need to spend more time with them. I'm hoping to do so over christmas break!
He'll be gelded this winter and then training on riding will start.

He is going to be a wonderful horse, I just know it. He has to be the most calm horse I've ever dealt with. Like, freaky, calm. I put a saddle on him and he could have cared less, so a few sessions my curiousity got the better of me and I couldn't help but climb on. I waited for him to respond, he walked across the round pen, looked around like "where did you go?" and then YAWNED, everyone watching was floored(including me). First time with someone on his back(and one of his first lessons with the saddle. I rushed into it and haven't been on him since, I know it was a little too spontaneous, but I just couldn't resist and he was doing so well.

I hope his ground manners and all these cases are proof he is going to be the same under saddle. I can't stand a spooky horse, and while I know he's really green and he'll have his issues, so far he acts like he's done it all before. Growing up next to a turkey shoot/gun range must have really done something for him.

Good for you wolf-kim. I had a similar experience, but my horse was not a rescue. I have had her since the day she was born, she's 10 now. I did alot of ground work with her as she was growing up. When she was about 5 years old I came home from work one day and as always I look in the back yard to make a head count and see that everybody is o.k. My mare was standing by the barn and I thought nothing of it. About an hour later I glanced outback and she was in the same spot standing but I noticed her pawing. I went to see why she hadn't moved. She had a bungee cord in her mouth and the metal end had pierced her cheek like a fish hook. She just stood there why I wiggled it out. I felt so bad that I didn't go out sooner. If she had spooked she would have ripped a hole in the side of her face. Thank god it didn't do any real damage. She got some special treats for quite awhile after that.

Sometimes them big ol animals just amaze me.
Horses sure have a knack for getting themselves into predicaments. My old (former) bay Arab mare's half-brother managed to get his foot caught between two boards in his stall. He was like that overnight and in the morning when my friend's husband fired up the skill saw to cut him out, he just stood there calmly. BTW, he is a stud too. My mare, the first time I got on her back (again, spontaneous), I hopped up on her bareback by means of an overturned bucket. She just turned around with an "Oh, it's you" look on her face and then began to thoroughly sniff and investigate the bucket.

Blackjack would probably be a fun horse to take to a Parelli clinic. Or teach him a few tricks.
Glad to hear it didn't end in panic and injury.

My Fargo used to get himself in messes on a regular basis and how I got him out of them in one piece, I'm not sure.

But now, the trust between us is such, he usually waits patiently for me to get him untangled or out of whatever dilemma he's in and is pretty safe and cooperative about it. I think they learn over time to trust in us at such times.


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