Horse Talk

I know a lot of people that have "flipped" horses. A lot. IME, it has always been newbies or beginners, people who don't know or can't tell right off what they are getting into with a particular horse.

I have never been a flipper, as I grew up in a horse family, surrounded by horse people and my parents *knew* what they were purchasing every time. They taught me the same skills, along with years of 4-H and college classes. Every horse I have ever purchased has had a home with me for life, I haven't ever had to "send one back" because it didn't work out. Some of that is luck, some is persistence. I have certainly brought home my share of horses "on trial" so that I have a way out if something does go wrong, but so far, in 40 years, nothing has ever gone wrong.

If I had not grown up the way I did, if I had waited to get into horses when I was an adult, I can certainly see myself having trials and errors like abigalrose has had. We all have to start somewhere, and like it or not, horses are a BIG investment and sometimes it is wiser to pass on a horse you have had for a short time if it isn't the right fit for you.

However, I am NOT all sunshine-and-roses when it comes to discarding an older "worthless" horse that someone has had for quite a while. Those scenarios rarely work out for the benefit of the horse. There are not homes lined up to take horses like that....
Good post res. I wish that I could - that WE (as in my family) could afford to really put some time and money into horse keeping.

If it was up to me, I would keep Ginger til the day she died. I love that horse so much :hit but we can't afford to keep two :(:(

Wait.... Smoke is only nine... Hes got LOADS of potential, and i can't take him all the way. Yep, i'll sell him. I love him too, but me and Ginger are likes two peas in a pod.

Sorry this took so long. Kindle keeps glitching :he :barnie
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I know a lot of people that have "flipped" horses. A lot. IME, it has always been newbies or beginners, people who don't know or can't tell right off what they are getting into with a particular horse.

I have never been a flipper, as I grew up in a horse family, surrounded by horse people and my parents *knew* what they were purchasing every time. They taught me the same skills, along with years of 4-H and college classes. Every horse I have ever purchased has had a home with me for life, I haven't ever had to "send one back" because it didn't work out. Some of that is luck, some is persistence. I have certainly brought home my share of horses "on trial" so that I have a way out if something does go wrong, but so far, in 40 years, nothing has ever gone wrong.

If I had not grown up the way I did, if I had waited to get into horses when I was an adult, I can certainly see myself having trials and errors like abigalrose has had. We all have to start somewhere, and like it or not, horses are a BIG investment and sometimes it is wiser to pass on a horse you have had for a short time if it isn't the right fit for you.

However, I am NOT all sunshine-and-roses when it comes to discarding an older "worthless" horse that someone has had for quite a while. Those scenarios rarely work out for the benefit of the horse. There are not homes lined up to take horses like that....

Thank you! This was the point I was trying to make, I haven't had anyone to help me with making the right horse related decisions and I don't know any experienced horse people, not personally, I'm finally starting to get past the "beginner" stage now and I've learned a lot and I feel like I know what I'm doing now when it comes to picking the right horses, which is why I'm satisfied with just having Jasmine and June. I've had to learn everything on my own, the hard way.
It would have been simpler if I had family that paid for riding lessons and researched what sort of horse I needed for my experience level when I was younger but that's just not the way it went, so I had to figure things out myself, the past two years have been a crazy learning experience but I think I've got things figured out now. I'm to the point now to where I know what I want and how to make it happen, and I don't have any interest in bringing home any more horses in the near future, and not in the distant future unless they're carefully chosen and fit what I need. I'm not saying it was good of me to buy and sell so many horses, and there were lots of tears involved as well as fights with my parents, and I personally lost about $3,000 total through out the process, but it's how I had to learn, and it all worked out for the best in the end.

Good post res. I wish that I could - that WE (as in my family) could afford to really put some time and money into horse keeping.

If it was up to me, I would keep Ginger til the day she died. I love that horse so much :hit but we can't afford to keep two :(:(

Wait.... Smoke is only nine... Hes got LOADS of potential, and i can't take him all the way. Yep, i'll sell him. I love him too, but me and Ginger are likes two peas in a pod.

Sorry this took so long. Kindle keeps glitching :he :barnie

I wish you could afford to keep them all too! So you don't know which one you're selling now?
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Thank you! This was the point I was trying to make, I haven't had anyone to help me with making the right horse related decisions and I don't know any experienced horse people, not personally, I'm finally starting to get past the "beginner" stage now and I've learned a lot and I feel like I know what I'm doing now when it comes to picking the right horses, which is why I'm satisfied with just having Jasmine and June. I've had to learn everything on my own, the hard way.
It would have been simpler if I had family that paid for riding lessons and researched what sort of horse I needed for my experience level when I was younger but that's just not the way it went, so I had to figure things out myself, the past two years have been a crazy learning experience but I think I've got things figured out now. I'm to the point now to where I know what I want and how to make it happen, and I don't have any interest in bringing home any more horses in the near future, and not in the distant future unless they're carefully chosen and fit what I need. I'm not saying it was good of me to buy and sell so many horses, and there were lots of tears involved as well as fights with my parents, and I personally lost about $3,000 total through out the process, but it's how I had to learn, and it all worked out for the best in the end.
I wish you could afford to keep them all too! So you don't know which one you're selling now?

Dude we are like twins :highfive:

No, I'll sell Smoke. He's got a WAY better chance of finding a home than Ginger - she's been on Craigslist SO many times, and only one person has even come out to see her. I so wish he would have bought her. He really knew what he was doing with her, but she was just too big of a project :/
Now Smoke. SMOKE is a project. But he is by far THE SMARTEST horse I have EVER had. He could do absolutely anything. Anything at all, given the right training.
Okay I say anything, but he would hate English :p
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Well I'm glad you're keeping her! Since she's pretty much retired and if you sell smoke thatll give you loooots of time with Amira!
Are you gonna be training her yourself?
Well I'm glad you're keeping her! Since she's pretty much retired and if you sell smoke thatll give you loooots of time with Amira!
Are you gonna be training her yourself?

Oh yeah huh! :lol: I hadn't thought of that! :p

Most likely. The guy who helped me out with Smoke taught me LOADS of stuff about starting green horses - I got more done with Smoke in an hour with him helping me than after MONTHS of working by myself. And getting concussions, you know, all that glorious grandeur :p

I hate not having a person with a clue about horses to help me though. I mean, dad can handle horses, but he's never started a greenie, and I won't LET him help me with Smoke in case he screws everything up :/ he rode Smoke last time I was in AZ. Appearantly he went full out rodeo mode :barnie GO FIGURE!!!! :rant :rant
Ugh I wish I had a trainer to help me like that! It took me a year to get June from halter broke to loping, something that'd take a pro a month or two. And she still needs work. I'm the same, my grandpa knows about horses but not like a serious horse person. His idea of training is hopping on and riding it until it listens lol
Ugh I wish I had a trainer to help me like that! It took me a year to get June from halter broke to loping, something that'd take a pro a month or two. And she still needs work. I'm the same, my grandpa knows about horses but not like a serious horse person. His idea of training is hopping on and riding it until it listens lol

Haha, that was me and Zaily. She was my second horse. Tbh we shouldn't have bought her. She was a rodeo horse who wanted a job, and since she was my first "victim".... We went back and forth ALOT as far as progress.
But then we got Ginger and Rusty and she was an angel. Like, she forgot how to behave badly :th :yesss: she was such a cool horse.

And YES, we did sell her to a couple nice girls who wanted to run barrels, which was what she really wanted to do.

Isnt it annoying?!?? I mean,I'm glad dad's coming with us to get Armira cuz he isn't afraid to jab her hard with his elbow and jerk her head around if she gets crazy, but.... Beyond that... He's best with a horse who knows what its doing...

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