Hot and humid storage help!


5 Years
Jun 21, 2014
West Bay, Cayman Islands
Hi everyone and greetings from the Cayman Islands!

I have done a brief search here and online but still unsure of what type of storage containers are best for my feed in my hot and humid country.

As we have a only a few birds, our large sacks of layer pellets, cracked corn, and Bermuda hay will most certainly get moldy before being used.

I tried a 15 gallon igloo water jug and the feed spoiled.

The feed is outside, in shade, but daytime temps are over 90, with humidity just as high.

Looking for solutions for storage so we don't waste feed or run the risk of sick birds due to spoiled feed.

Thanks in advance, have a great day!

We store our feeds inside the air conditioned house for humidity reasons as well. It is always hot & humid here on the Gulf Coast as well. I have friends who store their feed in the 55 gal drums with the lids that seal. They still have issues with the humidity making the feed spoil. Scratch seems to do better. Hay can do ok as long as there is air movement around it.

Wish the best for ya.

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