Hot weather and hatching chicks


5 Years
Jun 25, 2015
How hot can newly hatched/hatching chicks survive? We've got babies about ready to hatch under some our girls outside, and it's really hot here in Arizona. We have older babies that are doing ok under the trees, because we made shallow puddles for them. What about the eggs? Will they even hatch when it's this hot? We set up misters last night.
Lately a lot of people have reported having trouble in the heat with their chickens. You are doing all the right things, so keep it up!

As for your chicks, I've heard they can't survive over 100 degree weather.

Hope it all works out!
Thank you, Gitabooks! Is 100 degrees the hottest that tiny chicks can survive?
I heard this somewhere.
All chickens become hot over about 85 F and will begin to pant at around 90-95 F. If they show signs of over heating, such as gasping or being unable to stand (panting and holding the wings out is normal when trying to cool off, it doesn't mean they are dying) then put them in cool (not cold) water and keep them cool. Do this fast, or they could suffer brain damage.
Is that for baby chicks too, or just the grown chickens? I'm a little confused--aren't the brooders supposed to be 95 degrees for these newly hatched chicks? I would sure like to turn the heat down some, if it won't hurt them.

I love your Avatar, Gitabooks, are they your babies?
Thanks! Yeah, that's Ginger our silkie with he first ever chick, Jeremiah. He was still wet when the picture was taken.

Chicks have down, they can't hold in heat well and need to be kept at around 90-95 degrees until they start feathering out. However, they can die above 100 degrees, so its a delicate balance.
As they feather out they hold in heat better, which makes it more difficult to cool off.
Ok, good to know. That room is a balmy 95 degrees…whew… hot for us humans. They are doing better each day. Thank you for your input.

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