
Glad to see a few folks drop in. I do not breed them and currently only have one girl but I do enjoy the breed. As far as roo behaviors, I think that attack roos are common. The ones we had were bi-polar. If you turned your back they would jump you but if you sat down near the flock, they would jump in your lap and wait to be petted.
Dr. Bramwell also said that his roos always ran on the more aggressive side when I had discussed it with him.
Glad to see a few folks drop in.  I do not breed them and currently only have one girl but I do enjoy the breed.  As far as roo behaviors, I think that attack roos are common.  The ones we had were bi-polar.  If you turned your back they would jump you but if you sat down near the flock, they would jump in your lap and wait to be petted.  :idunno   Dr. Bramwell also said that his roos always ran on the more aggressive side when I had discussed it with him.

That sounds just like mine. The hens have all been the most docile chickens I have owned--moreso even than silkies...and both boys when approached would spread their wings out and come out you guns a blazing. One jumped on the back of my 14 yr old and grabbed the back of his shirt and would not let go, all the while screeching an awful sound. WE booted him a few times and he did not back down, would just keep coming! Hopefully I will have better luck this go around. If I can't find a mellow or stable roo that will deflate my hopes of working with this breed.
Yep, that's them. Ours wasn't quite so aggressive but you certainly couldn't turn your back on him. He would attack our legs.

Our girl that we still have seeks us out to be held and petted when we are around the coop. She is super sweet. Unfortunately I think sometimes SOP and temperament are not always compatible.

Here is our girl this fall. She is coming off a molt and her tail is a bit short. She is 3 years old this spring. She has been a poor layer in my opinion. She seems to do a lot of mini molts and will take time off from laying. I totally love her for her personality.
Aww she is cute. Mine have been remarkably decent layers, I did not think they would be but laid through this last winter without light and did not really stop. My Marans on the other hand gave me zero eggs, so I was glad to get the white Houdan eating eggs :D They are coming up on 3 yrs old also...and one is 2, and then the chicks for the new season. Will have to get some current pics, I only have some from last year. Love them though, crossies for a tolerable roo this time around!
Where can you get some nice ones
I ordered mine from Urch Turnland poultry. They breed about 100 different breeds to the SOP
Not sure how the manage but they have an excellent reputation. Before you order you should be aware that they are decidedly low tech. They don't have a website but if you send them an email they will email you a pricelist. They prefer to answer questions over the phone rather than through email. Chicks are 7 each, are straight run and must be purchased in multiples of 25. I got together with 2 other people who ordered different breeds. Mixing breeds is fine.

Hatchery birds, while lovely, are generally not bred to the standard. Rather they are produced with quantity in mind more so than quality. The body shape of a Houdan is supposed to be heavier and less upright than what you find in most hatchery birds. Also they white should be confined to a V shape on the ends of black feathers. Many hatchery birds have more white than the standard calls for.

It's a personal choice...it is more convenient and less expensive to go with a big commercial hatchery for sure. I will be posting pics of my chicks

Here is their contact info

2142 NW 47 Ave.
Owatonna, MN 55060
Ph. 507-451-6782
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