House Goose Thread

Jupiter's new diaper harness arrived today. Hooray! I've been needing a back up for days I forget to set her 1st harness out to dry. Here she is modeling it, pretty in pink. Party Fowl even put a pretty flower brooch on it for free. It disappeared quickly into her feathers, so it's kinda hard to see.
It looks really good!
Thought I'd post some updates on Cas, since this thread was nearing the bottom of the page again...LOL

Handy Hub built him a nice size "deck" addition to his house so he has more space when he's not able to be truly "out" around the house, and he loves it so much I thought I'd share some pics. Also, he's now on Mazuri Waterfowl feed and I've noticed the amount and smell of his poops is SO MUCH BETTER OMG...I can not say enough good things about the HUGE difference between feeding a flock raiser feed or even an un-medicated chicken feed and feeding something actually designed with geese in mind. It's also a far lower protein so I don't foresee any issues with Angel Wing down the road.'s pics of the big boy!

Thought I'd post some updates on Cas, since this thread was nearing the bottom of the page again...LOL Handy Hub built him a nice size "deck" addition to his house so he has more space when he's not able to be truly "out" around the house, and he loves it so much I thought I'd share some pics. Also, he's now on Mazuri Waterfowl feed and I've noticed the amount and smell of his poops is SO MUCH BETTER OMG...I can not say enough good things about the HUGE difference between feeding a flock raiser feed or even an un-medicated chicken feed and feeding something actually designed with geese in mind. It's also a far lower protein so I don't foresee any issues with Angel Wing down the road.'s pics of the big boy!
He looks so good!!
This is Pear and his mentally unsound goose friend Plum with their bandanas on!
Mentally unsound? Aww what's wrong with him?

She walks SUPER upright almost like an African goose, she'll run into walls and stuff but I know she's not blind because if you move she'll duck or run away. When she drinks she dips her beak in the water but leaves it just sitting there.. Not moving at all..
She's been like this since we got her, it's weird. The other geese are bullying her so now she's inside with us. We actually ordered some more goslings so when they come she'll go live with them because she isn't imprinted on people like Pear is
That's a really neat set up for Cas. Does he go into his house or does he pretty much hang out in his little yard?

How do you keep Pear and his friend from ripping off their bandanas? Jupiter immediately shredded the bling on her diaper harness.
That's a really neat set up for Cas. Does he go into his house or does he pretty much hang out in his little yard?

How do you keep Pear and his friend from ripping off their bandanas? Jupiter immediately shredded the bling on her diaper harness.
When he can't be running around the house, we leave his house open so he can go in one or the other. On his new feed he nibbles here and there instead of gobbling it all down like he did on the baby feed, so he'll go in his house and grab a bite and a drink, and then come back out in his play pen. He has his own 9" TV that he really LOVES watching videos and movies on too! I try to vary what's playing, like nature stuff, or goose videos, or even Sesame Street, but lately he's a temper tantrum toddler if I don't put on his Finding Nemo movie! LOL When he's got his diaper on, the door to the pen is open so he can come and go as he pleases. Hub just added this pen because he quickly outgrew his little house and I felt horrible locking him in it at night. He's big enough now that I don't worry so much about the dogs or cats messing with him so now at night he can stay in the pen or go in the house, his choice.

We're in the process of moving this month to a much bigger house with a much bigger yard, and...A POND! The new house has an extra room entirely, so hub is going to convert it to be HIS room! We're all stressed, but actually kind of looking forward to the move now. His room at the new house measures 24'x18'!!! Hub has been going back and forth and working on it to get it just right before we fully move. It was hard wood floors, which wouldn't work for him, so we found some interlocking foam tile type things (like made for under playsets?) and he's "reflooring" his room with the soft, non-slippery, easy to clean "tiles".
I hate moving, but I almost can't wait! Lol

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